Alison Hammond gives heartbreaking insight into her insecurities

‘People stare at me in the gym’: Alison Hammond gives heartbreaking insight into her secret insecurities on This Morning… after lamenting life-long battle with ‘uncontrollable obesity’

Alison Hammond left This Morning viewers emotional on Friday when she shed light on her body confidence issues live on-air. 

During a phone in, in which guests discussed body hang-ups, the presenter, 48, confessed: ‘I have insecurities too. I feel like you do as well. It’s not all perfect. I don’t like taking my jacket off… I go to the gym and people are staring at me’.

Hosting alongside Dermot O’Leary, the star, who spoke on the show last year about suffering with ‘uncontrollable obesity’, shed light on her emotions having long been a pin-up for plus-size stars and on-screen representation. 

Viewers soon flooded Twitter to pen: ‘Alison and Dermot are so understanding to those with confidence issues. Great motivation words… honestly just love her! Heart of gold… Alison Hammond so good on body positivity.’

During a phone in, a viewer called Elaine rang to reveal she was too embarrassed to go to the beach over fears that people will stare and make comments about her legs, as she suffers with Lymphoedema. 

Pained: Alison Hammond left This Morning viewers emotional on Friday when she shed light on her body confidence issues live on-air

Sweet: Viewers soon flooded Twitter to pen: ‘ Alison and Dermot are so understanding to those with confidence issues. Great motivation words… honestly just love her! Heart of gold… Alison Hammond so good on body positivity’

Lymphoedema  is a long-term chronic condition that causes swelling in the body’s tissues – commonly in the legs. During the phone conversation, Elaine said: ‘Alison you always look good. You’re an inspiration to me.’

She replied: ‘Thank you, but I have insecurities too. I feel like you do as well. It’s not all perfect, what you see on TV. I don’t like taking my jacket off…

‘But you’ve got to enjoy your life as before you know it we’re not here. Your legs are beautiful. I go to the gym and people are staring at me. But that’s all that happens, then they’re going to worry about what’s going on in their lives.’

Hurt: During a phone in, in which guests discussed body hang-ups, the presenter, 48, confessed: ‘I have insecurities too. I feel like you do as well. It’s not all perfect. I don’t like taking my jacket off… I go to the gym and people are staring at me’ (Alison in 2020)

In March last year, Alison broke down while discussing her weight on the show, as she said: ‘I’ve had obesity all my life. Your regulation system is out of whack…

‘You can’t control wanting to eat. A lot of people don’t realise obesity is a disease. I just think people look down on people because they’re so big and they can’t help it when you have a disease. You can’t actually help it…

‘You want to eat and you want the bad things and you know you don’t look great.’

Last year, Alison revealed she used comedy as a ‘protection’ from being teased at school. She told how she would be picked on for being a ‘big girl’ and because she struggled with her reading, which she says was her ‘insecurity’.

Detailing how she’d overcome her ordeal, Alison shared how she’d used her quick wit as her strength against bullies, telling how she would ‘say it first before anyone else could say something’.

Reaching out: In March last year, Alison broke down while discussing her weight on the show, as she said: ‘I’ve had obesity all my life. Your regulation system is out of whack’

The TV personality, who shot to fame on Big Brother, consistently makes fans laugh week after week on This Morning thanks to her quick one-liners, bubbly personality and infectious laugh. 

And Alison has revealed that she’s had that sense of humour since she was a child, and used that comedy to shield her from harsh words from her school mates. 

When asked what she was like at school, she explained: ‘You know what, I was still quite funny, but it was actually quite… maybe a little bit quieter, always trying to… just not knowing really where I fitted in really and who were my people at the time.

‘But, you know, I was still a little bit loud and, I think, you know, again, like I said, I struggled with my reading so that was my insecurity. So, if anything, I probably used my comedy and the fact that I was quite funny and quick off the cuff to kind of protect myself.’

Reaching out: The TV personality, who shot to fame on Big Brother, consistently makes fans laugh week after week on This Morning thanks to her quick one-liners, bubbly personality and infectious laugh

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