Furious 'This Is Us' Fans Want 'Accountability' From Kate and Toby Over Marriage Breakdown

This Is Us explored the breaking point of Toby and Kate’s (Chris Sullivan and Chrissy Metz) relationship during its latest episode, “Saturday in the Park.” Viewers received more insight into the difficulties the couple experienced during a party celebrating Miguel’s (Jon Huertas) and Rebecca’s (Mandy Moore) anniversary. However, it took one pivotal moment to create furor among viewers who took want “accountability” for Kate and Toby’s marriage breakdown.

The Big Green Egg was not the catalyst of ‘Saturday in the Park’

After months of speculation that the Big Green Egg smoker was the reason for Kate and Toby’s marriage breakdown, it was not. Instead, the cooking device was symbolic of Toby trying to save a union that had already deteriorated.

In a flash-forward scene, adult Jack Damon (Blake Stadnik) and his wife Lucy (Auden Thornton) agreed the cooker symbolized the day his parents’ marriage imploded.

However, the true catalyst for disaster was Kate and Toby’s distraction over a kitchen flood that ruined the anniversary barbecue. This error allowed Jack to leave the security of his home and venture alone to the park, a happy place he loved to go with his parents. While he eventually made it there safely, he took a nasty fall on a series of cement steps.

Fans take sides between Kate and Toby

After the episode, fans took to Reddit to share their opinions regarding the titular installment.

Both Kate and Toby were at fault for Jack leaving their home. Toby didn’t properly secure the gate which kept Jack in the living room. Subsequently, Kate didn’t close the top lock of their front door, which made it easier for Jack to walk outside unassisted. No matter which parent was at fault, fans want accountability from both characters over the incident.

“I hope the writers have Kate confront and hold some accountability for the breakdown of this marriage. The writers victimize Kate, A LOT. I’ve seen writers hold Rebecca accountable, Toby, Jack, Randall, and even Deja and Tess! I’ve never seen Kate apologize and show she’s at fault for anything. The only way Kate would be redeemable to me is if we see her apologize for her actions to the demise of their relationship,” wrote one viewer.

“This is ridiculous. Toby gets 100% of the blame for EVERYTHING. I’m so sick of Kate, and I’m sick of Kevin/Randall not calling her out on any of her BS. THEY both messed up. He left the gate open. She left the door unlocked. And they both left their blind child unattended. Instead of everyone ganging up on Toby, they should both be held accountable,” penned a second fan.

“They [Kevin and Randall] blindly defend their sister no matter what. In one way, I could respect it, but I DON’T. Both Toby and Kate messed up. Period. She blames him for EVERYTHING 100% of the time. She even blames him for not being fat anymore,” claimed a third Reddit user.

Is this the end for KaToby?

The series April 12 episode titled “KaToby” will explore the evolution of the couple’s marriage over a couple of years. Ultimately, fans are awaiting their ultimate breakup. However, it is still unknown when this will occur. When Kate and Phillip’s (Chris Geere) relationship begins is uncertain.

With only six episodes left in the season, time is running out for KaToby as the final curtain falls on This Is Us.

This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on NBC.

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