Throughout her ongoing fight for her freedom, Britney Spears has made it abundantly clear that she believes her entire family is to blame for her current situation.

Yes, Britney’s father, Jamie Spears, is the main architect of her current woes, but the singer believes that her mother and siblings are almost equally guilty for refusing to step in and rectify the situation despite countless opportunities to do so.

Britney’s sister, Jamie Lynn, is also an entertainer who gained fame while she was still in her teens, so many fans assumed that she might be sympathetic to Britney’s plight.

But as the elder Spears made abundantly clear this week, that was not the case.

As we reported earlier, Britney told Jamie Lynn to kiss her ass in a recent Instagram rant directed at all who failed to support during the worst days of her father’s reign of terror.

“I don’t like that my sister showed up at an awards show and performed MY SONGS to remixes!!!!!” Britney wrote, referencing a 2017 award show at which Jamie Lynn did exactly that.

“My so-called support system hurt me deeply!!!!” Spears continued, seemingly firing a shot at both her sister and her mother.

“This conservatorship killed my dreams … so all I have is hope and hope is the only thing in this world that is very hard to kill … yet people still try!!!!” 

Britney concluded with a sharp-tounged message to her female critics:

“For women who say it’s weird the way I still have hope for fairy tales … go f-ck yourself!!!!”

“As I said … hope is all I have right now … you’re lucky I post anything at all … if you don’t like what you see, unfollow me!!!”

Obviously, that advice was intended for a wide audience, but Jamie Lynn is the only one who was singled out by Brit in her latest plea for basic human decency.

For the first two days that the post was live, it looked as though Jamie Lynn wouldn’t acknowledge it at all.

Yesterday, however, she posted an Instagram pic that many commenters believe to be JL’s subtle way of clapping back at her more famous older sis.

“May the peace of the Lord be with you, and your spirit,” Jamie Lynn captioned the photo above.

Obviously, she didn’t call Britney out directly.

She probably knows that wouldn’t work out well for her, what with how defensive the public is feeling toward Brit these days.

But the comment struck many as Jamie’s indirect way of informing her sister that she’ll be taking the high road.

At the very least, Britney took it that way, and she was quick to let Jamie Lynn know exactly how she felt.

“May the Lord wrap your mean ass up in joy today,” Britney wrote on Instagram just hours after Jamie Lynn’s post appeared.

Again, she didn’t mention Jamie Lynn by name … but she didn’t really have to, did she?

At the end of the day this is just another case of shots fired in a family feud that will likely never be resolved.

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