Joe Jonas leans on brother Nick amid Sophie Turner custody battle

Joe Jonas talks it out with brother Nick over dinner in NYC amid Sophie Turner custody battle – as he HITS BACK at claim he’s ‘abducted’ their children and accuses ex-wife of trying to move divorce proceedings to the UK

  •  Joe Jonas appeared in deep conversation while having dinner with his brother Nick as it was revealed his estranged wife Sophie Turner has sued him
  •  The singer’s ex recently accused him of withholding their children’s passports and refusing to let them travel to see her in the UK
  • The father-of-two appeared to be leaning on Nick for support as he navigates the messy end of his four-year marriage and custody of their young daughters 
  • READ MORE: Joe Jonas furiously blasts ‘harsh’ ex Sophie Turner after she SUED singer in bid to take their children back to the UK 

Joe Jonas appeared in deep conversation while having dinner with his brother Nick the night before it was revealed his estranged wife Sophie Turner has sued him in order to try and move their two children back to her native UK. 

Amid news that the pop star’s ex accused him of withholding their kids’ passports, the musician, 34, was spotted grabbing a bite to eat with his younger sibling – who is currently married to Priyanka Chopra – on Wednesday night.

The father-of-two appeared to be leaning on Nick, 31, for support as he navigates the messy end of his four-year marriage and custody of their young daughters, who are three and one, respectively. 

As the brothers caught up at The Waverly Inn, just three blocks from where Turner had a girls’ night out with his ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift earlier this week, an eyewitness told that they appeared in ‘deep conversation.’

Night out: Joe Jonas appeared in deep conversation while having dinner with his brother Nick as it was revealed his estranged wife Sophie Turner has sued him

Supportive brother: Amid news that the singer’s ex accused him of withholding their children’s passports and refusing to let them travel to see her in the UK, the Cake by the Ocean singer, 34, was spotted grabbing a bite to eat with his younger sibling on Wednesday night

Bitter divorce: Turner is suing ex-husband Jonas in order to try and move their two children back to her native UK; seen in September 2022

Joe, who is currently touring the country with Nick and their older brother Kevin, was dressed casually in a white t-shirt, which read: ‘Submarine Veteran World War II.’

He paired his laid-back look with a blue baseball cap, brown trousers and a pair of loafers. 

Nick opted to wear a white bowling shirt, blue velour sweatpants and a New York Yankees baseball cap. 

As he arrived to the restaurant, Nick walked with his hands buried in his pockets with a serious expression across his face. 

The duo seemingly met up with a friend, who Nick gave a hug as he walked over to their table.

On Thursday, Joe issued a sensational rebuttal of ex-wife Sophie Turner’s claims after she called for the ‘immediate return’ of their children, who she claims are being ‘wrongfully retained.’ 

Turner is suing Joe in order to try and move their two children back to her native UK, according to new court documents. 

After this news emerged, a representative for Jonas, 34, said in a statement to that the singer was seeking ‘shared parenting’ with the Game Of Thrones star, 27, and added: ‘The children were not abducted.’ 

Tough time: The father-of-two appeared to be leaning on Nick for support as he navigates the messy end of his four-year marriage and custody of their young daughters, who are three and one, respectively

Sticking together: As the brothers caught up at The Waverly Inn, just three blocks from where Turner had a girls’ night out with his ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift earlier this week, an eyewitness told that they appeared in ‘deep conversation’

Joe, who is currently touring the country with Nick and their older brother Kevin, was dressed casually in a white t-shirt, which read: ‘Submarine Veteran World War II’

Casual: He paired his laid-back look with a blue baseball cap, brown trousers and a pair of loafers

Out with friends: Nick opted to wear a white bowling shirt, blue velour sweatpants and a New York Yankees baseball cap

Friendly greeting: The duo seemingly met up with a pal, who Nick gave a hug as he walked over to their table

‘This is an unfortunate legal disagreement about a marriage that is sadly ending. When language like “abduction” is used, it is misleading at best, and a serious abuse of the legal system at worst. The children were not abducted,’ the representative said.

‘After being in Joe’s care for the past three months at the agreement of both parties, the children are currently with their mother. Sophie is making this claim only to move the divorce proceedings to the UK and to remove the children from the U.S. permanently.’

Jonas’s representative also said the singer had ‘already disavowed any and all statements purportedly made on his behalf that were disparaging of Sophie.’

‘They were made without his approval and are not consistent with his views. His wish is that Sophie reconsider her harsh legal position and move forward in a more constructive and private manner,’ the statement said.

Close relationship: Nick and Joe were seen sitting close together, across from a mutual pal

Family first: The duo are currently touring the country with their older brother Kevin

More than a decade in the spotlight: The pair rose to fame in the band, The Jonas Brothers,  after signing with Disney’s Hollywood Records in 2007

Denying everything: On Thursday, Joe issued a sensational rebuttal of ex-wife Sophie Turner’s claims after she called for the ‘immediate return’ of their children, who she claims are being ‘wrongfully retained’

Legal woes: Turner is suing Joe in order to try and move their two children back to her native UK, according to new court documents

‘His only concern is the well-being of his children.’

The representative also denied Turner’s allegation that she did not know he was filing for divorce.

‘After multiple conversations with Sophie, Joe initiated divorce proceedings in Florida, as Florida is the appropriate jurisdiction for the case. Sophie was aware that Joe was going to file for divorce,’ the representative said.

‘The Florida Court has already entered an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children. Sophie was served with this order on September 6, 2023, more than two weeks ago.’

Further Jonas’s representative said the former couple had a ‘cordial meeting this past Sunday in New York,’ where Turner had arrived to be with their children.

‘They have been with her since that meeting. Joe’s impression of the meeting was that they had reached an understanding that they would work together towards an amicable co-parenting setup,’ the statement said.

After this news emerged, a representative for Jonas, 34, said in a statement to that the singer was seeking ‘shared parenting’ with the Game Of Thrones star, 27, and added: ‘The children were not abducted’

‘This is an unfortunate legal disagreement about a marriage that is sadly ending. When language like “abduction” is used, it is misleading at best, and a serious abuse of the legal system at worst. The children were not abducted,’ the representative said

‘After being in Joe’s care for the past three months at the agreement of both parties, the children are currently with their mother. Sophie is making this claim only to move the divorce proceedings to the UK and to remove the children from the U.S. permanently’

Jonas’s representative also said the singer had ‘already disavowed any and all statements purportedly made on his behalf that were disparaging of Sophie’

Trying to come to an agreement: ‘They were made without his approval and are not consistent with his views. His wish is that Sophie reconsider her harsh legal position and move forward in a more constructive and private manner,’ the statement said

Less than 24 hours later, Sophie advised that she wanted to take the children permanently to the UK. Thereafter, she demanded via this filing that Joe hand over the children’s passports so that she could take them out of the country immediately. If he complies, Joe will be in violation of the Florida Court order.’

‘Petitioner, Sophie Belinda Turner (the “Mother”), by and through her undersigned attorneys, files this Verified Petition for Return of Children to England (the “Petition”), against the Respondent, Joseph Adam Jonas (the “Father”), the court filing reads.

Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’ living arrangements revealed:

3 September to 1 October 2022: New York (rental)

1 October to 7 October 2022: Puglia, Italy (rental)

7 October to 15 October 2022: London (rental)

15 October to 22 November 2022 New York (rental)

22 November to 16 December 2022: Miami (parties’ property)

16 December to 23 December 2022: London (hotel)

23 December to 27 December 2022: Warwickshire (rental)

27 December to 5 January 2023: London (hotel)

5 January to 9 February 2023: Miami (parties’ property)

9 February to 16 February 2023: Lake Tahoe (rental)

16 February to 20 February 2023: Las Vegas (hotel)

20 February to 10 March 2023: Miami (parties’ property)

10 March to 25 March 2023: New York (rental)

25 March to 29 March 2023: New York (rental)

29 March to 31 March 2023: Hamptons (friend’s house)

31 March to 10 April 2023: New York (rental)

It comes after Jonas, 34, filed for divorce in Miami, Florida earlier this month from the mother of his two children.

The couple had been married for four years, and share daughters three-year-old Willa and one-year-old D.J..

In documents seen by, Turner alleges that Jonas won’t return their children’s passports.

‘On or about September 17, 2023, the parties met to discuss their separation,’ the petition reads. 

‘The Mother reiterated the parties’ agreed plan for the children to return home to England that week. The Father has possession of the children’s passports. He refuses to return the passports to the Mother and refuses to send the children home to England with the Mother.

‘The next day, the Mother’s solicitor in England reconfirmed to the Father’s Florida attorney that the Mother intended to return home to England with the children as planned on September 20, 2023, and requested that the children’s passports be returned to the Mother.

‘Based on the Father’s express statements that he will not return the children to England and will not return the children’s passports to the Mother, on September 20, 2023, the Mother has submitted her Hague Convention Application for Return to the Central Authority for England & Wales seeking the return of the children to England.’

Turner also alleges that the former couple had plans for her and the children to join Jonas and his family on his band’s US tour before returning to the UK where they would live in a rental property.

She claimed they would move into a new home in the UK when it was completed in December of this year.

According to the filing, the couple had often discussed their desire to raise their children in Turner’s native country as they regarded it as a ‘safe location.’

While spending Christmas last year in the UK, the couple had stayed at a rental property near Turner’s parents’ house in Warwickshire.

During this time, Turner claimed she and Jonas had ‘jointly decided that they would look for their “forever home” in England, select a school for their older daughter in England, and settle their family in England.’

‘The parties agreed that the timing was right for the family to settle permanently in England, particularly given the older child’s age. The parties were both excited for the family’s move to England,’ the documents read.

The search for their new ‘forever home’ lasted from December until July this year as the couple ‘physically toured family homes… together.’

‘His only concern is the well-being of his children’

‘After multiple conversations with Sophie, Joe initiated divorce proceedings in Florida, as Florida is the appropriate jurisdiction for the case. Sophie was aware that Joe was going to file for divorce,’ the representative said

‘The Florida Court has already entered an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children. Sophie was served with this order on September 6, 2023, more than two weeks ago’

Further Jonas’s representative said the former couple had a ‘cordial meeting this past Sunday in New York,’ where Turner had arrived to be with their children

‘They have been with her since that meeting. Joe’s impression of the meeting was that they had reached an understanding that they would work together towards an amicable co-parenting setup,’ the statement said

It ended when they found a ‘beautiful country property’ in Oxfordshire and they ‘both agreed they would purchase the property for the family’s permanent home.’

‘The parties exchanged contracts with the sellers to purchase the property on July 7, 2023, with the completion date scheduled for December 2, 2023. The parties looked forward to spending their Christmas 2023 holiday with the children, family, and friends in their new home in England,’ the documents read.

In preparation for their relocation to the UK, the couple listed their family home in Miami, which sold for $15 million earlier this year.

‘On or about April 10, 2023, the family relocated to England’ and have been staying in rentals as they awaited to move into their new home, according to the filing.

The actress also disputed Jonas’s claim in his divorce filings that the children had lived in Florida for six months before announcing their split. 

‘In furtherance of the parties’ shared plan, the children travelled to the United States with the Father and their nanny,’ the documents read.

‘Thereafter, the breakdown of the parties’ marriage happened very suddenly. The parties had an argument on August 15, 2023. On or about September 1, 2023, the Father filed a divorce case against the Mother in Florida. On or about September 5, 2023, the Mother found out through the media that the Father had filed for divorce.

‘In his divorce filing in Florida, the Father seeks, inter alia, divorce, a parenting plan, and a timesharing schedule to be ordered by the Florida state court. The Father incorrectly claims in his divorce filings that the children have resided in Florida for the six months prior to the filing of the Father’s Florida case.’

The petition goes on further to say that Turner was also initiating legal proceedings in the UK.

‘The children were to be returned home to England on September 20, 2023. The Father has prevented the children’s return to England, which is a breach of the Mother’s rights of custody under English law, England being the children’s habitual residence,’ it reads.

Full statement from Joe Jonas:

‘After multiple conversations with Sophie, Joe initiated divorce proceedings in Florida, as Florida is the appropriate jurisdiction for the case. Sophie was aware that Joe was going to file for divorce. The Florida Court has already entered an order that restricts both parents from relocating the children. Sophie was served with this order on September 6, 2023, more than two weeks ago.

‘Joe and Sophie had a cordial meeting this past Sunday in New York, when Sophie came to New York to be with the kids. They have been with her since that meeting. Joe’s impression of the meeting was that they had reached an understanding that they would work together towards an amicable co-parenting setup.

‘Less than 24 hours later, Sophie advised that she wanted to take the children permanently to the UK. Thereafter, she demanded via this filing that Joe hand over the children’s passports so that she could take them out of the country immediately. If he complies, Joe will be in violation of the Florida Court order.

‘Joe is seeking shared parenting with the kids so that they are raised by both their mother and father, and is of course also okay with the kids being raised both in the U.S. and the UK. The children were born in the U.S. and have spent the vast majority of their lives in the U.S. They are American citizens.

‘This is an unfortunate legal disagreement about a marriage that is sadly ending. When language like “abduction” is used, it is misleading at best, and a serious abuse of the legal system at worst. The children were not abducted. After being in Joe’s care for the past three months at the agreement of both parties, the children are currently with their mother. Sophie is making this claim only to move the divorce proceedings to the UK and to remove the children from the U.S. permanently.

‘Joe has already disavowed any and all statements purportedly made on his behalf that were disparaging of Sophie. They were made without his approval and are not consistent with his views. His wish is that Sophie reconsider her harsh legal position and move forward in a more constructive and private manner. His only concern is the well-being of his children.’

Shedding more light on the children’s living arrangements, Turner alleges that ‘with some hesitation’ that the couple had ‘planned and agreed’ that it ‘would be best’ for Willa and D.J. to travel with their father and nanny to the US in August.

Despite Jonas being on tour and busy performing in the evenings, he was able to spend time with his children during the day.

Turner traveled to meet her family in the US in September and the children ‘would then at least be able to spend some time during the day with one of their parents until the Mother finished her filming commitments.’

‘The parties agreed that the children moving around with the Father on tour was only going to be a temporary arrangement,’ according to the filing. 

‘The parties’ agreed plan was that when the Mother finished filming on September 14, 2023, she would travel to New York to collect the children and return home to England. 

Better times: The couple had been married for four years, and share daughters three-year-old Willa and one-year-old D.J. (seen in May 2022)

‘The parties’ plan was for the Mother to spend a week with the family in New York, and then to return home to England with the children on September 20, 2023, where the Mother has a short work commitment on September 28, 2023.’

Following news of their divorce, reports emerged that she ‘likes to party and he likes to stay at home.’

Various sources who claim to have ‘direct knowledge’ of the situation have briefed US sites including TMZ that Jonas was watching his children Willa, three, and DJ, 14 months, full-time while on tour – while Turner filmed for new series Joan in the UK.

It was also reported by TMZ that Jonas is said to have known his marriage was over when Turner was allegedly caught ‘saying and/or doing something’ on their Ring security camera.

It’s over: Earlier this month, Joe officially filed for divorce from Turner; seen in March 2023

Sad: In the paperwork, he said their relationship was ‘irretrievably broken’ (pictured in March 2022)

Whirlwind: The couple, who first started dating in 2016 after being introduced by mutual friends and got engaged one year later (seen in 2018)

Meanwhile Turner’s camp has stayed silence, instead taking to the courts to fight her battles.

But as the reports emerged painting Jonas as a devoted father and Turner as a party animal, a series of columns defending the actress – and questioning why the musician was being praised for looking after his own children – appeared. 

Writing for Vogue at the time, Raven Smith said: ‘Team Jonas is throwing a careless-mother narrative at proceedings and seeing if it sticks, sowing seeds of his wife being a less-than-gold-star parent. Nobody is saying out loud she’s subpar; it’s just heavily, heavily insinuated that her liking to go out clashes with his homebody status.

‘It’s very read between the lines, please, she is not mothering at an acceptable standard.

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