Kerry Katona goes braless to reveal the results of her latest breast surgery – after admitting she regrets getting a free boob job last year
Kerry Katona went braless on Thursday to reveal the results of her third breast reduction after previously admitting she regrets getting a free boob job last year.
The OnlyFans star, 41, had her old implants removed and was given a breast uplift to reduce back pain as a result of her large chest.
Pall Mall Cosmetics shared a picture of Kerry’s new look to their Instagram and penned: ‘How amazing are Kerry’s implant removal & uplift results by our wonderful Mr Prasad!’
New look: Kerry Katona went braless on Thursday to reveal the results of her third breast reduction after previously admitting she regrets getting a free boob job last year
They continued: ‘Kerry came to Pall Mall as she was suffering from pain and discomfort in her back due to her previous implants being too large for her figure.
‘Following her surgery at Pall Mall, Kerry is feeling better than ever and no longer suffers from back pain.’
It was only three months ago that she shared the results of her second reduction, following a procedure she was unhappy with in 2021.
Surgery: The OnlyFans star, 41, had her old implants removed and was given a breast uplift to reduce back pain as a result of her large chest
In a recent YouTube video, Kerry said: ‘I had an implant put in last year and why I did it, I don’t know. I love a freebie and I need to learn to stick to just taking goodie bags!
‘Honestly I’ve been sliced and diced that much I don’t even think this is my arm anymore. I’m like a human Frankenstein.
‘I come in a flatpack with IKEA instructions to put me together in the morning!’
Kerry claimed she’s getting her ‘bad boys’ reduced since there ‘doing her head in’ and giving her a back ache due to their ‘far too big’ C cup size.
She added: ‘Every time I put a jumper on, I feel like, you know the Honey Monster on the Sugar Puff advert? That’s what I feel like!
‘So I’m getting a reduction today and I’m very, very excited but I’m also really, really nervous.’
Ready to go under the knife again: The OnlyFans star, 41, who recently underwent a reduction, discussed her surgeries on her latest YouTube video
Kerry, who has accumulated 114 followers since launching her new YouTube channel on Sunday, also filmed herself moments ahead of the surgery in her hospital gown.
The drowsy star was also captured by the camera after waking up, where she quipped that she had ‘no boobies’ after scaling down to a C cup.
Kerry recently confessed she is feeling like a ‘swollen beach whale’ after treating herself to indulgent food and cocktails while away on holiday in Mallorca with her family.
The TV personality admitted she is struggling with her recent weight gain and insisted she doesn’t know why she is ‘so swollen’, revealing she feels like she is currently in someone else’s body.
Discussing her appearance in new! magazine, Kerry said: ‘I know I don’t look the greatest, but it is what it is. I don’t think I’m fat, it’s just that my body is swollen and I don’t know why.’
Kerry revealed she thinks that her legs and stomach have been affected the most and she is going to try lymphatic drainage and water retention tablets to try and resolve it.
Comparison: The OnlyFans star claimed she’s getting her ‘bad boys’ reduced for the third time since they give her a back ache due to their ‘far too big’ C cup size
She continued: ‘I have put on a s**t load of weight while on this holiday, but that’s just normal and I’m just embracing it. All I did on holiday was eat s**t and drink.
‘We were there for two weeks and ate out every night. Some nights we stayed in and got takeaways, like pizza and chips.’
Kerry doesn’t usually drink alcohol but revealed she also treated herself to sugary strawberry daiquiris and Sex On The Beach drinks while away with her fiancé Ryan Mahoney and her children.
The reality star, who is currently 12st and a dress size 12-14, revealed that her partner loves her whatever shape she is, and said: ‘Ryan always thinks I look good. He loves my big bum.’
Kerry admitted that while she has ‘body issues’ she doesn’t have an eating disorder, but is feeling low after abusing her body with an unhealthy diet.
Considering that surgery could also be to blame, she said: ‘I think I’ve already done so much to my body and that’s why it’s so swollen, I’ve sliced and diced – I’m like a flat pack IKEA. But I’d definitely consider liposuction again because why not? I haven’t had it done for about 10 years, so I think I’m due a bit.’
Again?! It was only three months ago that she shared the results of her second reduction, following a procedure she was unhappy with in 2021 (L-R: after and before)
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