Paris Hilton had to hold back TEARS when Sarah Silverman trashed her

‘I wanted to die’: Paris Hilton reveals anger over Sarah Silverman’s ‘vile, perverted’ verbal attack at 2007 MTV Awards just hours before jail stint and details ‘uncomfortable’ Letterman interview

  • Paris Hilton was verbally attacked by stand-up comedienne Sarah Silverman in 2007 when she was sitting in the audience at the MTV Movie Awards  
  • The socialite, 40, discussed the ‘cruel and mean’ incident on her podcast with younger sister Nicky Hilton on Monday
  • The awards had taken place just hours before she Paris was due to check into prison for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.  
  • She said: ‘I was sitting there, wanting to die, I was holding back tears. I had tears in my eyes… I literally wanted to run out of the entire room’ 
  • Sarah had said: ‘I heard to make her feel more comfortable in prison the guards are going to paint the bars to look like penises’ 
  • Paris also detailed ‘uncomfortable’ Letterman interview in which he ‘pushed and pushed’ over her jail time even though her rep asked him not to bring it up  

Paris Hilton has said she’s still angry with comedian Sarah Silverman who famously trashed her at the 2007 MTV Movie Awards, while she was sat in the audience. 

Speaking on her This Is Paris podcast on Monday, alongside sister Nicky, 37, Paris, 40, said ‘It was so disgusting and cruel and mean.’

Paris had been due to check into prison hours after the awards for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case and was mocked by Sarah. 

‘I wanted to die’: Paris Hilton has taken to her podcast to reveal her anger over Sarah Silverman’s verbal attack at the 2007 MTV Awards hours before jail stint (pictured in 2019)

Sarah, (pictured), had said: ‘I heard to make her feel more comfortable in prison the guards are going to paint the bars to look like penises’ hours before she headed to jail

Hilton said she had been nervous to go to the event, so when she was the butt of Silverman’s jokes it was intolerable. 

And her sister Nicky has demanded that Silverman apologise to her sibling, 14 years on.  

Detailing her version of events, Paris said: ‘I was so shocked and surprised because I had actually met her a few years before at an event and she was sweet.

Paris said: ‘I was very nervous and knew I was about to check into a jail a few hours later, I put on a brave face and she literally pummelled me, so mean so cruel’ (pictured at the awards)

‘I was obviously very nervous and knew I was about to check into a jail a few hours later, I put on a brave face and she literally pummelled me, so mean so cruel.

‘I was sitting there, wanting to die, I was holding back tears, I had tears in my eyes… I literally wanted to run out of the entire room. The whole audience was laughing and she would not stop.

‘It was so painful especially with what I was going through in my life, it was really hard.’

Paris continued: ‘I was so shocked and surprised because I had actually met her a few years before at an event and she was sweet’

Sarah had said. ‘I heard to make her feel more comfortable in prison the guards are going to paint the bars to look like penises, I am just afraid she is going to break her teeth on those things. 

Paris served three days of her 45-day prison sentence. 

Nicky said: ‘Mom always told us you don’t know someone until you have walked a mile in their she’s and here Sarah was…. saying the most disgusting vile, awful hurtful things.’

‘I understand she is a comedienne and she is there to be funny and make people laugh, but when you have to put people down and insult people to get a laugh it’s not funny. I didn’t think it was funny then and I certainly don’t think it is funny now.’

She then gave examples of how other comedians get laughs without being cruel. ‘Look at Will Ferrell, he is funny but is not hurtful to others.’

Nicky then said, ‘Sarah really took the gloves off!’ 

Sarah recently apologized for poking fun at Britney Spears. At the MTV Video Music Awards in 2007 Sarah called Britney’s kids ‘mistakes’ and also put down her performance earlier that night. 

During the podcast, Paris also criticized famous host David Letterman who kept asking her about her time in jail when she was on his show, even though her spokesperson had demanded he not do it. 

In the interview, David repeatedly has asked Paris about her stint in jail after she had violated her probation by driving with a suspended license. 

She had called her time behind bars a ‘really traumatic experience’, and was visibly uncomfortable with him. 

Not impressed: During the podcast, Paris also criticized famous host David Letterman who kept asking her about her time in jail when she was on his show in 2007

Paris said: ‘I felt it was a safe place because I had been going on Letterman for so many years. I thought he would keep his word on this and he was wrong. 

‘There was not supposed to be one question and he kept pushing me and pushing me. I was just getting so uncomfortable and upset. 

She pressed on: ‘Nicky, you were backstage, I remember talking to you after and being up there.

‘It was like he was purposely trying to humiliate me and during commercial breaks I would look at him like, “please stop doing this, you promised me you wouldn’t talk about this and that’s the only reason I agreed to come on the show”.’

‘He was like okay and then again [brought it up]. It was very cruel and very mean. After it ended I looked at him and said I am never coming on this show again, that crossed the line. 

‘I didn’t tell him off because I’m not that type of person, but I got angry and he was apologizing and sent a case of Chateau Lafite Rothschild wine to our house.’ 

Paris said unlike Silverman, she has since forgiven him.

She added: ‘I am so happy it’s different today, I would never wish what happened to me on my worst enemy.’

Nicky added: ‘You know what would not happen today is Sarah Silverman going on stage at the MTV Awards, and making disgusting, vile, perverted statements about pop stars, about people sitting in the audience.”

‘There were certain people they targeted. I would see that with myself, with Britney, Jessica Simpson. There was a certain type of girl they targeted that they’d never do that to a man.’ 

Paris added she could deal with it because she had suffered so much as a teen when she was in boarding school in Utah for two years. Hilton said she was abused when at Provo Canyon.

‘It’s abuse,’ she added of what Sarah did.

Nicky said because Sarah apologized to Britney after she slammed her, she now needs to apologize to Paris.

‘The sexual, disgusting remarks were so horrific, very, very, very disappointing, that should never of happened to a young girl sitting in the audience or anyone, you should not let a person be humiliated.’

Nicky then admitted Paris was ‘no angel’ when she was young, but she was not doing anything ‘malicious.’ 

Paris and Nicky also said that their mother Kathy Hilton lied to them about doing Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills and they had to find out about her casting through People magazine.

And they added Kathy is only doing the show because she became so bored from lockdown.

Kathy will guest star on the show with her sister Kyle Richards. 

A team: Paris and Nicky are seen on the cover of L’Officiel this month where they talked about growing up together and their latest projects

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