Too Hot To Handle's Emily and Cam 'had sex 7 TIMES A DAY for a week'

EXCLUSIVE: ‘My friends were worried about me!’: Too Hot To Handle’s Emily and Cam reveal they had sex 7 TIMES A DAY for a week when the show ended

Too Hot To Handle’s Emily Miller, 27, and Cam Holmes, 24, revealed they had sex seven times a day for a week when the show ended. 

The couple had an instant connection from the moment they walked into the villa and admitted they got a bit carried away once they were finally able to sleep together.

Speaking on the PrettyLittleThing podcast, Emily and Cam revealed their friends were ‘worried’ about them and told them their sex life may be ‘a bit too much’.

Naughty! Too Hot To Handle’s Emily Miller, 27, and Cam Holmes, 24, revealed they had sex seven times a day for a week when the show ended on the PrettyLittleThing podcast

During the tell-all episode the couple, who were finally able to reveal their relationship this month after the show aired, revealed that they had joined the mile high club on their way home from Turks and Caicos where the show was filmed.

They also touched upon their instant sexual attraction, explaining they had planned for a steamy night in the bedroom the day they met. 

But Cam said they were ‘gutted’ when their plans were disrupted after they discovered they were actually on Too Hot To Handle and would have to practice celibacy during the retreat. 

Cam said: ‘We had an instant connection which wasn’t shown as much on the first episode but instantly we were just drawn to each other so that made things a lot harder. 

Racy: The couple (pictured on the show) had an instant connection from the moment they walked into the villa and admitted they got a bit carried away once they were finally able to sleep together

Concerned pals: Emily and Cam revealed their friends were ‘worried’ about them and told them their sex life may be ‘a bit too much’

‘The show you guys see is one day whereas for us it was like three or four days. So yeah by that point we were reared up and ready to go and then Lana was a good old c*** block.’

The cheeky duo got a little shifty when asked if they had managed to sneak in any secret rendezvous which the cameras and Lana didn’t spot.   

Commenting on the subject, they said: ‘Everyone has got their own little stories with things they got away with on the show, how true they are we don’t really know.’

Risque: The couple revealed that they had joined the mile high club on their way home from Turks and Caicos where the show was filmed

Disrupted plans: They explained they had planned for a steamy night in the bedroom the day they met before they were told they were on Too Hot To Handle

And, while the couple have been happily living together since February, they admitted they did have an argument after Emily finally managed to watch episode four of the show, which saw Cam getting up close and personal with Christina. 

Emily said: ‘We had our first argument over episode four when he went on the date with Christina, we we’re actually doing something for work, we were at a premier. 

‘I was watching it in the queue because I just had to watch it and I lost it. I knew it was coming but actually watching it is a different thing.

On the sly: The cheeky duo got a little shifty when asked if they had managed to sneak in any secret rendezvous which the cameras and Lana didn’t spot

‘It just hit me like a tonne of bricks and he didn’t handle it very well either, he just kept saying “babe get over it, it happened six months ago”. I needed him to grab me and reassure me and say “I love you so much”.’

Emily admitted watching Cam on the date with Christina while she was at the retreat was a difficult experience. 

She said: ‘When I peered over that wall and was watching them like a hawk on that date I was like this is the end as I know it this is it me and Cam are done for. I was honestly heartbroken.

Heartbraking: They admitted they did have an argument after Emily finally managed to watch episode four of the show, which saw Cam getting up close and personal with Christina 

‘Watching them walk up arm in arm wasn’t nice for any girl to see. Yeah it did pull on my heart strings, I went through the wars a little bit didn’t I.’

The couple also assured fans of the show that the scenes are ‘100% real’ but they did sometimes have to re-film conversations they had while eating lunch or dinner.   

They said: ‘When were eating lunch or dinner or whatever we would obviously have a lot of conversation going on between us and we’d have to repeat things in front of the camera, so the producers would be like the cameras weren’t rolling you have to repeat that again. 

‘In the end they had to seperate us because we were talking too much over dinner time and they were getting annoyed so they had to separate us to save the chat. We were like naughty kids always getting separated.’

Authentic: The couple also assured fans of the show that the scenes are ‘100% real’ but they did sometimes have to re-film conversations they had while eating lunch or dinner 

The South Wales native has previously revealed he has written a song dedicated to Emily and hopes to follow in the footsteps of Love Island star Wes Nelson, by using his TV success to transition into the music industry.

Cam said his ‘dream’ would be to collaborate with the reality star turned hitmaker, and that he already has several new tracks in the works.

Meanwhile Emily’s career aspirations are taking her down a different path as she hopes to open up an animal sanctuary because of her love for cats and dogs. 

The handsome couple are also considering other reality TV opportunities as they confirmed to the publication that want to star on Celebrity Great British Bake Off.  

Ambitions: The South Wales native has previously revealed he has written a song dedicated to Emily and hopes to follow in the footsteps of Love Island star Wes Nelson 

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