Cleaning fanatics are sharing a ‘miracle’ spray they claim gets rid of dust for longer AND makes your house smell great

THERE are so many cleaning products on the market that it's hard to know which ones work and which don't.

But one cleaning fanatic has come up with a homemade dusting spray that not only keeps houses cleaner for longer, but also makes them smell great in the process.

Whitney White took to TikTok to share the recipe for her spray – which she called the "best DIY dusting spray to polish and eliminate dust longer".

To create the spray she uses one cup of water, a quarter of a cup of white vinegar, two tablespoons of olive oil and 10 to 15 drops of lemon essential oil.

"The oils polish and keep dust away for longer periods of time," she added in the video

And fellow cleaning fans were quick to praise Whitney for the recipe after using the spray themselves, with one writing: "Did this and I thought I was going crazy….it worked so well I didn't have to dust the one table I did it to for a few weeks."

"I made this yesterday, used it this morning! Can’t wait to see how it works! Thanks for the tip," another comment read.

"You stopped me at olive oil. Really? What a great idea," someone else wrote.

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To which Whitney replied: "Yes!! Works as a polisher and keeps dust/pet hair away for longer!

"I usually dust once a week but now can get away without it for longer!"

She also revealed that any citrus oil would work in place of the lemon oil, while reassuring those questioning whether or not the olive oil would leave an oily film on furniture.

"Not if you only use a little bit, and you can use a slightly damp rag too to offset the oily substance," she explained.

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