You could have a high IQ if you spot the snake slithering among the tortoises | The Sun

ARE your eyes sharp enough to spot the critter without the shell?

This "super tricky" brainteaser challenges you to find the singular snake slithering among the tortoises.

Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, shared this image on his website – but it's leaving some scratching their head.

He challenged players to find the sneaky reptile in his drawing, offering no hints about where it's hidden.

Fans of Dudolf took to Facebook to share just how hard they found the puzzle.

The "super tricky" game left some stumped, with one player admitting it "took a while to find."

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You could be in the top 0.01% if you can beat brainteaser in less than 32 seconds

Can you find the cat hidden in the dogs in this emoji-themed brainteaser?

The bustling nature scene shows a group of tortoises relaxing in a forest with their long green necks poking out from their shells.

But among them is a slithering green snake which has found a home among the trees – so can YOU spot where it is?

While the top of its body looks identical to the heads and necks of the tortoises, it is the only one missing a shell.

Still struggling? Move your eyes toward the far left side of the image, about two-thirds of the way down.

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