Russia under fire over mysterious Havana Syndrome origins: ‘Electric energy pulses!’

Havana Syndrome sufferer labels condition 'act of war'

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Known as Havana Syndrome, the so-called neurological illness is said to have impacted 1,000 US diplomats. Those affected have reported headaches, dizziness, nausea, and other symptoms consistent with traumatic brain injuries. Intelligence experts now believe that this illness could have been caused by targeted electromagnetic energy pulses.

According to a report by intelligence experts inside and outside of the US government, “pulse electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radio frequency range, plausibly explains” some of the symptoms.

The first case of the mysterious illness was reported by US diplomats in the Cuban capital in 2016.

According to Mark Zaid, a lawyer representing victims from numerous US government agencies, the findings of the report released on Wednesday, “reinforce the need for a coordinated, whole of government approach”.

He added: “These piece-meal agency reviews at times reveal inconsistent and even contradictory results.”

The expert panel noted that “the combination of the four core characteristics is distinctly unusual and unreported elsewhere in the medical literature, and so far have not been associated with a specific neurological abnormality.”

The panel, which includes experts on both medicine and engineering, believe that some form of external energy source could have been the cause.

The report found that: “Pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radio frequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics, although information gaps exist.”

It added that “sources exist that could generate the required stimulus, are concealable, and have moderate power requirements.”

The panel found that “pulsed electromagnetic energy” could be a plausible explanation, and there are several ways this device could have been used “each with its own requirements, limitations and unknowns”.

Some of the theories suggested by the panel include “using non-standard antennas and techniques, the signals could be propagated with low loss” through the air and building materials.

The panel stated the combination of symptoms studied “cannot be easily explained by known environment or medical conditions” among a subset of victims.

While the report did not confirm how many people were affected by the mystery illness, cases were observed in Russia, Austria, China, Tajikistan and some African countries.

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The panel’s findings are consistent with a long-held theory that a foreign adversary, most likely Russia is behind this Syndrome, NBC news reports.

But CIA officials have previously concluded that the Kremlin is not to blame.

They said that most cases can be explained by environmental causes, undiagnosed medical conditions or stress, rather than actions by a foreign power.

While most cases were explained by these factors, the report said that the symptoms are “genuine and compelling” and could in some cases have been caused by a concealed energy emitting device.

Russia has denied any wrongdoing in the incident.

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