Study will reveal why Blackburn and Burnley accents are so different

Why do people from Blackburn and Burnley sound so different? Scientists will scan people’s mouths to understand why the accents are so dissimilar – despite being just 10 miles apart

  • Scientists want to know why people from Burnley and Blackburn sound different 
  • They’re recruiting partcipants to have their mouths scanned in a new study 

From the approachable Geordie dialect to the instantly recognisable Liverpool lilt, England is home to some of the world’s most distinctive accents.

Now, a study plans to examine two Northern accents – those from Burnley and Blackburn.

Despite being just 10 miles apart, these accents are surprisingly different, and scientists from the University of Lancaster want to find out why.

The team will use ultrasound to examine the mouths of people with both accents.

‘By investigating tongue shapes, using ultrasound imaging, we can look at different types of accents and differences in pronunciation,’ says Professor Claire Nance, who is leading the team.

Now, a study plans to study two Northern accents – those from Burnley (like cricketer, James Anderson, pictured right) and Blackburn (like presenter, AJ Odudu, pictured left)

READ MORE: Northern accents are dying out and could DISAPPEAR BY 2066 

The researchers are inviting Burnley residents to have their mouths scanned at Burnley Market Hall on 11 November.

Willing participants will be asked to read words on a computer screen, while a small ultrasound is used to study their tongue shape as they speak.

Last year, the team undertook similar research in Blackburn.

‘And we were told last year – in no uncertain terms – that people in Burnley and nearby Blackburn speak very differently,’ said Professor Nance.

‘We are, therefore, excited to carry out this research to see exactly how this happens. 

‘We are looking for 30 to 40 volunteers aged 6+ to compare with our 35 participants from Blackburn last year.

‘We would especially love to work with families and people from the South Asian community so that we can learn more about all the different accents in East Lancashire.

‘The activity takes around 15 minutes in total and is suitable for adults and children. Everyone is welcome!’

The news comes shortly after researchers warned that Northern accents are dying out in Britain. 

Using physics modelling, researchers from the Universities of Portsmouth and Cambridge predicted how accents are likely to change across England by 2066.

Their findings suggest that northern accents could be replaced with ‘posh’ south eastern pronunciations.

The model indicates that words like ‘strut’, which currently rhymes with ‘foot’ in northern England, will stop rhyming by 2066.

Meanwhile, the pirate-like ‘arrr’ in ‘farm’ is also predicted to disappear from the south west.

However, the differing pronunciations of ‘bath’ are likely to remain, according to the model.


Backend – Used instead of autumn that has vanished from the north of England

Shiver – Once common in Norfolk and Lincolnshire but now replaced with splinter

Sliver – Used in Sussex, Cambridgeshire and Kent but now replaced with splinter

Speel – A regional word used for splinter found Lancashire and Carlisle but now no longer used

Spell – The middle English for splinter, it was still being used across the North of England in the 1950s but has now vanished

Spile – Used instead of splinter in Blackburn and Bolton but now replaced

Spill – Seen in just a few places on the welsh border in the 1950s but now totally vanished

Spool – Used by people in Huddersfield in the 1950s but now replaced by spliter

Fifteen per cent of people pronounce three with an f compared to just 2 percent in the 1950s

The southern pronunciation of ‘butter‘ – with a vowel as in put – has spread north  

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