Charlotte Crosby says she is suffering from heartburn during pregnancy

‘I’ve admitted defeat’: Pregnant Charlotte Crosby says she is suffering from heartburn and sickness as she expects first child with Jake Ankers

She announced she was expecting her first child with her boyfriend Jake Ankers in April and is due to give birth later this year.

And Charlotte Crosby has opened up about the difficulties of pregnancy as she revealed she has been suffering from heartburn and sickness.

The former Geordie Shore star, 32, took to Instagram on Friday to admit that she has been feeling ‘really exhausted’ and has been dealing with a low appetite.

Trials: Charlotte Crosby has opened up about her difficult pregnancy as she revealed she has been suffering from heartburn and sickness

In a candid Instagram statement, Charlotte said she had ‘admitted defeat’ and feels like ‘a mess’ as she has been juggling a busy schedule throughout her pregnancy.

Alongside a selfie of herself looking upset, she penned: Pregnancy update – heartburn decided to pop up this week and it looks like it’s sticking around on top of that my sickness has crept back in with a vengeance.

‘I’ve admitted defeat with that part to be honest I’m not wishing for it to go away now I’ve just accepted it. 

‘My hormones my god don’t even get me started. I feel a mess and really really exhausted mix that with a busy schedule and never being home is just a recipe for disaster.’

Sickness: The former Geordie Shore star, 32, took to Instagram on Friday to admit that she has been feeling ‘really exhausted’ and shared a selfie of herself looking upset 

Difficulties: In a candid Instagram statement, Charlotte said she had ‘admitted defeat’ and feels like ‘a mess’ as she has been dealing with a busy schedule during her pregnancy

But she praised her boyfriend Jake, 31, for supporting her throughout the pregnancy and said she knows the difficulties will all be worth it when their baby arrives.

She continued: ‘Jake is literally the most caring and attentive human to have ever walked the earth and without him this week I actually would of crumbled 

‘I know this is all gunna be worth it!!!! To have our little baba in our arms and start our new chapter of family life just makes my heart complete! but pregnancy can be a hard old journey can’t it?!’

Asking for advice from other mothers, she added: ‘But please any mamas or soon to be mamas relate?! When did your sickness end?! Best things for heartburn?! 

‘Do you go back to a normal non raging ball of anger when the baby arrives and start being nice and living again to everyone around you?! 

Joy: But she went on to praise her boyfriend Jake for supporting her throughout the pregnancy and said she knows the sickness will be worth it when their baby arrives

Anticipation: It comes after Charlotte said she has been busy planning a gender reveal party, but did not reveal the date she will share the news 

‘Did anyone else’s appetite just completely weird out and just find you never actually knew what you fancied and wanted to eat?!’

It comes after Charlotte revealed she has been busy planning a gender reveal party, saying the doctor has known the sex of her child since her 12-week scan.

But the TV personality, who has recently jetted out to Ibiza, left her fans in suspense about when the reveal will be in a statement shared to Instagram last week.

She wrote: ‘Planning our gender reveal party is well underway A lot of you guys have been trying to predict how far gone I am by the timing of my gender reveal party! 

‘But I’ll let you all into a little secret the hospital have know the gender of our baby since week 12 and believe me it’s been soooooo incredibly hard to not give in and just find out! 

Pregnancy: Charlotte said the doctor has known the sex of her child since her 12-week scan (pictured) while she and Jake are yet to find out 

‘We would of had our party soooo much sooner but Jakes been non stop with work and I’m absolutely back to back with filming and then we have hollys wedding to fly out too (which we are so so so so excited about)! 

‘But believe me this party is gunna be worth the wait we have had even more time to plan and literally make it extra extra special with all of our nearest and dearest for the most special night of our lives!’

Last month, Charlotte revelled in celebrating her first birthday as an expectant mother as she shared a glimpse of her day with her Instagram followers.

She revealed her growing stomach in a smiling snap, where she was wearing a white crop top with a pair of Adanola tracksuit bottoms.

Charlotte posed underneath dozens of white and gold balloons, while raising two hash browns in the air from her McDonald’s breakfast buffet.

Fun times: Last month, Charlotte revelled in celebrating her first birthday as an expectant mother as she shared a glimpse of her day with her Instagrams followers 

Happiness: Sharing her thoughts in the caption, Charlotte wrote: ‘MY FIRST BIRTHDAY AS A MAMA. I came down do a McDonald’s breakfast buffet’

The reality personality shared a look at her gifts from her boyfriend Jake as she revealed he was taking her on a secret surprise getaway.

It appeared her beau had also treated her to something from Selfridges as well as a birthday cake, which she revealed she hasn’t had ‘for years’.

Sharing her thoughts in the caption, Charlotte wrote: ‘MY FIRST BIRTHDAY AS A MAMA. I came down do a McDonald’s breakfast buffet. 

‘I even blew candles out on a cake! I can’t remember the last time I woke up to a birthday cake, my birthday been made very very very special by my Jake lovely and very thoughtful gifts and now I’ve been told to pack a bag as we are off on a little trip. 

‘Another little birthday surprise I won’t know where we are going or what we are doing until we arrive. Thankyou so much for all the birthday wishes! 

‘This is my very last birthday without our little baby, so excited to think next year my precious little baba will be here. hello 32 the best year of my life.’

The expectant mother also recently revealed she is embracing her changing body as she awaits the arrival of her first child.

The Celebrity Big Brother winner was away on holiday at the time and modelling her baby bump in a zebra-print bikini.

Charlotte said she is embracing every aspect of pregnancy, revealing that she ‘loves’ her stretch marks and boyfriend Jake is equally enamoured with her bump. 

‘Just the beginning of taking my little bump with me on a crazy adventures, can’t wait to point to the tv and say ‘you were in mammys belly there!” she lovingly captioned the photo.

Body positive: Charlotte also recently revealed she is embracing her changing body as she awaits the arrival of her first child

Charlotte also shared a close-up look at her bump as she went topless for a post on Instagram Stories, and revealed that her boyfriend Jake finds her changing shape ‘sexy’.

‘Jake literally showers me with compliments every second,’ she told her fans. ‘I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world to him.

‘But in pregnancy it’s a whole other level he absolutely adores the bump and my body. He finds it sexy.’

Charlotte and Jake went public with their romance last year, and have been keeping the relationship under wraps – after her former relationship with Liam Beaumont ended in August 2021. 

Expecting: Charlotte and Jake are expecting their first child and went public with their romance last year, and have been keeping the relationship under wraps

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