Kelly Clarkson Remembers 20th Anniversary Of Her American Idol Win & Ascent To Stardom!

It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years!!

Kelly Clarkson took to Instagram late on Sunday night to remember one of the defining moments of her life: the day she won the inaugural season of American Idol. Beating out Justin Guarini and accepting the nod from host Ryan Seacrest, Kelly did her thing on that show and, well, the rest is history!

On Sunday, the Kelly Clarkson Show star wrote a sweet message meant for her fans and the rest of the music fandom and reality TV worlds on her social media account. Taking a walk down memory lane, she shared:

“20 years ago today I won American Idol and it forever changed the course of my life. That moment was the door that opened up so much access and opportunity, and creative partnerships that I will be grateful for all of my days. The family and friendships I have created over these 20 years in music and tv are priceless to me.”

And Kelly continued:

“We only get so many trips around the sun and while I am proud and feel abundantly blessed of the successes and failures that I have learned from, I am most proud and grateful for those friends that have become family, and for their arms that have held me when I needed it and their hearts that listened to me when I felt lost. Without them I would not be where I am. I would probably not be here at all.”

Finally, she wrapped things appropriately by thanking everyone who voted for her. She also shared sound advice for those seeking some kind of the fulfillment she has found over the years:

“Thank you so much to every single person that voted 20 years ago! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hope all of you have people in your lives that fill you with laughter, and hope, and happiness, and if you don’t feel like you have that, then keep searching because I promise you they’re looking for you too.”

Very well said!

Here’s the full post (below):

A post shared by Kelly Clarkson (@kellyclarkson)


In the comments, fans shared their memories of that infamous TV moment, too:

“I was 9 years old and called in to vote for you every week!!! I had to sneak downstairs to use the phone”

“I voted for you 20 years ago!!!”

“You were transcendent. I voted for you and will never forget the day you won!”

“You are absolutely amazing! I am so proud of you and for you”

“but can we talk about how this was 20 years ago??! We’re old lol”

“Your voice was so effortless. I voted for you each week, including 6 times after the final two performances.”

“I was one of the voters! And had your first album on replay!”

Awww! That’s seriously so sweet. We love it!

And what a moment it was, too:

Ohhhhh, the memories. It’s been 20 years?!?!

Reactions, Perezcious readers??

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