The 70p hack to stop annoying cats pooing in your garden – and green-fingered pro says it keeps them out for good | The Sun

EVEN if you have a cat of your own, the last thing you want is for them to do their business in your flowerbeds.

There a lot of tips and tricks out there, but according to gardening expert David Domoney not all of them are effective.

According to the pro, the best way to keep them from making a mess of your crops and flowers is to stop them coming in altogether.

He suggested taking note of where they come in, whether through a gap in the fence or over a specific wall, and blocking it.

“This makes it hard for cats to balance on the fence panel. Or you can apply a grease like Vaseline to stop them using it," he told

If you've already blocked off your garden and find the furry friends are still finding their way in, there is another trick you can try out.


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He said: "One of the things that has worked effectively for me in the past is to save tea bags and spray them with a muscle heat spray, like Deep Heat."

The inside of the tea bag will absorb the smell of the spray, which cats hate.

Just dot them around the places in your garden cats go and it should keep them at bay.

You don't have hide the teabags, although some gardening fans suggest covering them in soil so cats and birds don't spot them.

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And since most households will already have teabags the hack is won't cost you a penny extra.

Alternatively, you can buy teabags for as little as 70p from supermarkets like Sainsbury's and Tesco.

The gardening pro also recommended using other items with a strong scent to drive cats away.

You can use lavender, rosemary or even curry plants in your boarders, he said.

"Some people also recommend using cut citrus peel – apparently, it smells too strong for the cat," David added.

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