Aliens will eradicate diseases and boost life span to 220 yrs, Uri Geller claims

Aliens will teach humans how to “eradicate all diseases” boosting the average life span to 220 years, according to Uri Geller.

The spoon-bending legend said he was convinced anyone born today will meet extraterrestrials during their lifetime.

Instead of being hostile he predicted the visitors from outer space would help humans unlock mysteries of seemingly incurable diseases – allowing everyone to live much longer.

Uri, 75, tweeted: “My dear friends a baby born today in his/her life time they will meet aliens who will teach us how to eradicate all diseases.

“Life span of humans will climb to 220 years average.”

Last week the paranormal expert – whose special powers were verified by US intelligence agency the CIA in the 70s – warned NASA to prepare for a mass alien invasion of Earth “soon”.

He reckons Australian scientists mapping radio waves who discovered a giant energy source 4,000 light years away may have stumbled upon the chit-chat of “superior” beings from outer space.

“It’s unlike anything astronomers have seen before,” he said.

“No doubt in my mind that this is connected to alien intelligence way way superior than ours.

“Start deciphering their messages!

“They are preparing us for a mass landing soon! #nasa #hoova #spectra #spectra #aliens.”

Uri’s predictions sent his online followers into a frenzy.

“I am 46 and I sincerely hope aliens reveal themselves in my lifetime. I expect they will before 2040,” wrote one.

Another said: “That’s the spirit and if you listen to the aliens then all they’re about is to teach us how to become civilized, because they won’t land until we grow up.”

“I don’t care about living longer, I would just rather live with the energy, no body aches, pains, clear mind of a 10-year-old kid,” said a third.

But one moaned: “So…us older farts are screwed then.”

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