Bloke sells dead body preparation stand – and says it doubles as kitchen table

A bloke has sparked horror online after listing an undertaker’s dead body preparation table on Facebook Marketplace for just £50.

The budding entrepreneur says it would be perfect for a project and could also enjoy a new lease of life as a dining table.

But the device, which has a curved design to stop corpses falling off, hasn’t been a hit with everyone.

Horrified internet users pointed out that they could think of nothing worse than eating off a surface that had been used to support dead bodies, reports GrimsbyLive.

Baffled potential buyers surfing the Grimsby Swaps & Sales Sell Haggle Enjoy page said they would feel uncomfortable knowing their table’s previous life involved blood and body parts.

The medical contraption, that looks similar to a hospital trolley and has a space to collect the blood when it is drained from the cold corpse, could also double as a “man cave table”, according to the seller.

Although some people online questioned the hygiene of the table, it is actually likely to be cleaner than most second hand tables.

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Due to the nature of the work as undertakers wash a body and prepare it for embalming – a process that delays the decomposition process – the surface would have been kept in excellent cleanliness.

High levels of sanitation are required to prevent contamination and chemicals would have been used to keep the table fresh.

It’s not the first time Facebook Marketplace has been used to list odd items.

Last month, users of the social media platform were horrified when they spotted a picture of a soiled seat up for sale.

The chair, which was described as “lightly shat”, was being flogged for around £40.

Even though the seat cover was coated in excrement, the product was described as “like new” by the Australian seller.

Unsurprisingly, no one snapped up the office furniture in the week the advert went online.

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