Israel could help protect Ukraine’s critical infrastructure from Putin

Russia state TV scrambles to save Israel alliance with baffling theory

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Israel has refused to send Ukraine weapons amid the Russian invasion, but its soldiers are mustering up some eye-wateringly complex defence strategies to bat away the threats from foreign adversaries which could potentially be used by Ukrainians to steer away threats from Moscow, has discovered. Amid the Ukraine war, cyber attacks both prior to the Russian invasion and during the onslaught have laid bare the urgent need to protect vulnerable digital infrastructure. 

For instance, as a report by the European Parliamentary Research Service explains, attacks have included a “cyber attack on the communication systems of the Kyiv Post and the KA-SAT satellite network an hour before the invasion (24 February), an attack against government websites, cyber-attack targeting a border control station and attacks on Ukraine’s digital infrastructure, blocking access to financial services and energy (28 February)”.

The report adds: “Cyber-attacks continued in March, with malware being launched against government and financial websites, as well as non-government, charity and aid organisations, in this case hindering the distribution of medicines, food and relief supplies.”

But with the right line of defences, these attacks could be stopped, and that is where Israel may be able to come in.

Israel is one of the leading nations in cyber defence, and there is an Israel Defence Forces (IDF) military division – J6 & Cyber Defence Directorate(JCDD).- that is specifically trained to deal with these kinds of threats. gained access to the division’s military base on the outskirts of Tel Aviv to find out more about the changing nature of warfare in the digital age and what the nation can do to stop criminal hackers and deviant states.

Training both IDF recruits and international forces to help prevent attacks of this nature, the technological know-how could potentially help Ukraine fend off Vladimir Putin’s criminal attackers without firing a single shot, should Israel choose to train up Ukrainians.

While the IDF was unable to reveal which particular countries it trains up, spoke to soldiers under a condition of anonymity, who guided us through computer simulations displaying how certain kinds of cyber attacks can be avoided.

The soldiers showed several scenarios it is prepared for, including an attack on Israel’s own Iron Dome defence system, which could cause the system which shoots rockets at incoming missiles, from malfunctioning and essentially “attack itself”.

Another simulation presented a scenario whereby hackers breached  a national newspaper’s website and changing the content, but the IDF soldiers explained that they are trained to neutralise this threat too.

These are just some of the scenarios the IDF forces are prepared for, and while the specific kind of training on an international level was classified information, it was not also ruled out that Ukraine has been receiving this kind of training.

This could be one way in which Israel, which has refused to send weapons to Ukraine amid Russia’s brutal missile and drone strikes, can help out Kyiv without infuriating Moscow.

Jerusalem appears to be maintaining a balancing act, determined not to rub Putin the wrong way as Russian military aircraft control the skies in regions of Syria which Israel is targeting to combat Iranian terrorists, according to some analysts.

Jacob Nagel, a former national security adviser to the Israeli prime minister and visiting professor at Technion said that it is “possible” Israel may be training Ukraine to prevent cyber attacks amid the invasion.

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But Prof Nagel warned: “With cyber defence, if you are not doing it right, it can fall in the hands of your enemies.  They can detect the protection systems, they can find it and use it against you – but I am not counting this option out.”

However, he did admit it is somewhat “unlikely” that Israel is training up Ukrainians given that Ukraine already has its own strong cyber security defence systems.

Prof Nagel said: “The US has very strong cyber systems it can provide to Ukraine, and Ukraine itself has strong cyber systems itself – Ukraine wants weapons, missiles air defence – as far as I know, they only want offensive systems.”

He also noted that Israel is also helping Ukraine in several other ways besides sending weapons, including supplying Ukraine with military intelligence.

A Ukrainian official, speaking anonymously, has also been reported saying that Israel had provided valuable intelligence for targeting Iran’s ‘kamikaze’ drones which Russia has been deploying on the battlefield.





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