Secret Skip Watch TV stream snares fly-tippers live as hundreds tune in

Hundreds of internet sleuths are ditching Netflix in favour of a live-stream to tune into what people fly tip in a central London skip.

The binge-worthy footage has already captured culprits dumping cardboard, a mirror and even a freezer in the last 24 hours.

Skip Watch TV began filming after a poll of 250 of Britain’s builders revealed 70% had fallen victim to having their skip filled up with other people’s rubbish – forcing them to fork out money from their own pockets.

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The flytippers were unaware they were caught by secret cameras set up outside Terry’s Cafe in Southwark.

The live stream will be online every day from now until August 11 and hundreds are already gripped.

It comes after research found it costs builders an average of £121 out of their own pocket when people fill their skip with unwanted debris.

Nearly eight in 10 (78%) had seen people throw tat into their skip – with 65% even confronting the fly tipper.

And worryingly, 54% had been shouted at or rudely spoken to because their skip was taking up space.

Clive Holland, host of The Clive Holland Show, on Fix Radio said: “Fly tipping has serious consequences for Britain’s builders.

“They work all hours to help get the nation moving and the last thing the need is added disruption and having to empty a tip when they’re on site.

“Builders are the nation’s backbone. They support us, and we should support them.”

The research, carried out via OnePoll, also revealed the strangest things found in builder’s skips – including a stolen empty cash machine, a person sleeping and even a picture of Adolf Hitler.

Other bizarre skip finds include a complete Roman soldier statue and sex toys.

Used nappies, condoms and threats of violence were also common finds.


The regions deemed to be the worst areas for fly tipping were major cities, including London, Birmingham and Glasgow.

Clive Holland added: “While there’s a funny side of what can be dumped in a skip, people need to think about the consequences it can have.

“Having to deal with the clean up can be a nightmare and cost money which comes out of their bottom line.

“Amid the cost-of-living crisis, we need to be doing all we can to support infrastructure projects across the country.”

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