Shameless and greedy seagull steals 17kg of food from Tesco worth over £300

A greedy seagull suspected of nicking food worth £300 from Tesco has been caught bang to rights on camera.

The brazen bird is thought to have got away with at least 17kg of food in a year – although its total haul could be even higher than that.

Its latest raid on the Tesco Extra store in Paignton, Devon, was caught on film as it trotted off with a bag of Mini Cheddars, reports The Sun.

It was seen lurking outside the shop before sneaking in via the automatic doors, and then re-emerging with the pack in its beak.

Staff at the store say the cheeky animal – which has been nicknamed Steven Seagull – has been known to wander in up to three times a day.

As well as Mini Cheddars, it seems to be partial to Monster Munch, and it’s also been known to pinch packs of Tangy Cheese Doritos.

“I’ve seen him go in a few times,” said Liam Brown, who managed to secure the damning footage of the crime in progress.

“This time he hopped on to my car bonnet so I started recording – I knew he was up to something. He jumped down and started chewing gum off the floor, then he walked into the shop and ran off with a pack of Mini Cheddars.”

Fellow shopper Jenni Elliott said: “I’ve seen it happen, too – he flew off with a bag of Doritos and shared them with a mate on a roof over the road.”

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And Lisa Buck said: “I told the cashier he’d just strutted off with some Doritos and she said: ‘Oh, he likes those’.”

Paignton, like many seaside resorts, is often the scene of daring escapades by shameless seagulls.

In 2020, Devon Live reported how a young mum in the south coast town was literally photobombed by a gull as she tried to take a picture of a doughnut for her Instagram.

Nurse Emmie Holdrick, 29, was setting up the arty snap when the doughnut was snatched out of her hand – and she caught the whole thing on camera, frame by frame.

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