‘Time traveller’ claims ‘newly-discovered fruit is key to slowing down ageing’

A mysterious bloke who claims to be a real-life time traveller from 2671 has said a newly discovered fruit will be the key to living longer.

Eno Alaric, known as @theradianttimetraveller on TikTok, has gained more than 26,000 followers for posting warnings about supposed future events. The creator has previously made warnings about twin planets with Earth, alien visitors and even portals opening to other dimensions.

Now, the self-professed time-warper has claimed scientists will discover a new fruit later this year. But it won't just be like any old fruit – as he claims it is the secret to "slower ageing and a prolonged life".

READ MORE: ‘Time traveller’ warns 'hostile aliens will infiltrate the government for war'

Click here to get more of the latest warnings from 'time travellers'…

In the video, which has gained more than 1,500 likes, he explained: "Remember these 5 major events to come in the next 6 months, 2024 is one of the craziest years in history.

"November 22, 2023: Genetic engineering is made public, allowing you to 'customize' your child. This also means all genetic defects are cured, and no longer exist, and most people look very similar

"December 28, 2023: Scientists discover a new fruit underground that slows down aging. It is called Astrum, it increases your lifespan by 200 years, and you can only eat 5 of them.

"February 9, 2024: A ball called the 'Time Sphere' appears at the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It allows whoever is touching it to see the past, future, and other timelines.

"March 16, 2024: A very famous celebrity reveals that they faked their passing. Hopefully this proves to all of you, that I am in fact, a real time traveller." But he then ended the video with an ominous warning claiming "the 47 are coming" — though it is not certain what they are supposed to be.

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TikTok users were left stunned at the claims with many taking to the comments hoping for a longer life. One user said: "The fruit. I want the fruit."

Meanwhile, some users remained sceptical as a viewer argued: "Well nothing you’ve predicted has happened so far."

Another commented: "No because we are all still waiting on the Septembers category 6 hurricane." A fourth user quipped: "A+ for creativity."

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