Whistleblower tells Congress about ‘exact’ locations Government is housing UFOs
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    UFO whistleblower David Grusch has sensationally told the US Congress that he knows the exact location of a secret site where “non-human spacecraft” are being stored and analysed by the Pentagon.

    He told Congressman Tim Burchett he "couldn't discuss the location publicly".

    Asked by representative Robert Garcia “Do you believe that our government is in possession of UAPs?”

    Grusch responded: “Absolutely, based on interviewing over 40 witnesses over four years … I know the exact locations.”

    READ MORE: Government has found UFOs as large as 'football pitches', Pentagon whistleblower claims

    He claimed that dozens of people within military and political circles had shared “compelling evidence” in the form of photography, official documentation, and classified oral statements.

    He told congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna that he was personally “in fear of his life” after revealing what he knew about the UAP investigation.

    He also alleged that there were “active planned reprisals from certain leadership at previous agencies” where he had worked. He called it “administrative terrorism” being used to silence any leaks of the Pentagon’s UFO secrets.

    The former US intelligence official also alleged that US Air Force and Navy pilots had encountered “malevolent’ alien pilots”.

    Doctor Sean Kirkpatrick has gone on record as saying that there is no such storage facility.

    Congressman Tim Burchett, who is leading the UFO investigation, said: “We’re not bringing little green men or flying saucers into the hearing. Sorry to disappoint about half y’all.

    But, he added: “We’re just going to get to the facts. We’re going to uncover the cover-up”.

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    Former US Navy pilot Ryan Graves told the hearing that UFO sightings more common than most people realise.

    UAP sightings by military and commercial pilots were “grossly underreported” and are “not rare or isolated,” he said.

    He said that he had personally encountered an aircraft unlike any known type in 2018, when he was stationed at NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach.

    He said that his team began “detecting unknown objects operating in our airspace”.

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    Graves says that during a training mission, a pair of FA/18 Super Hornets were “split by UAP” which were “described as a dark grey or black cube inside of a clear sphere”.

    He claims the commander ended the mission immediately, and that while the squadron submitted a safety report, but that there was “no official acknowledgement of the incident”.

    He told the congressmen that he was testifying “to voice the concerns of more than 30 commercial aircrews and military veterans who have confided their similar encounters with me”.

    He said there was “real and powerful” stigma about UFO sightings that “silences pilots who fear professional repercussions and discourages witnesses”.

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