Wildest Wetherspoons moments from rat rampage to brawls and collapsing ceilings

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Budget pub chain Wetherspoons is adored by Brits for its cheap pints and food deals.

But as well as serving drinks, the much-loved boozer has dished up crazy scenes including mass brawls, customers kicked out for cleavage, and even collapsing ceilings.

The Daily Star took a look at all the wildest moments that have unfolded in Spoons, after a video went viral last week showing a furry rat scurrying around drinkers’ feet at the Bishop Vesey in Birmingham.

Punters had to jump onto the table as they screamed in horror at the diseased rodent brazenly running around on the floor.

Other crazy scenes that have taken place throughout Wetherspoons include huge fights breaking out between groups of fired up blokes.

One video showed around 100 people throwing punches on an early Sunday morning.

The ridiculously big scrap broke out at The Albany Palace Wetherspoons in Wiltshire.

Shocked witness Tommy Arkle, 21, said: "There was a group of lads, who had obviously had a bit to drink.

"It started as two people on one and then suddenly escalated into almost everyone in the bar.

"I was walking back from the bar with a pint in my hand when I heard a load of shouting and looked around.

"Then I just saw everyone fighting, I didn't even have time to think about it.”

In another Wetherspoons fight, cops were forced to bring out a taser to control rowdy crowds during Bank Holiday carnage in Scunthorpe.

Humberside Police arrived to calm the fight down but were quickly assaulted themselves and dragged into a grapple on the floor.

The crazy scenes eventually ended after coppers started drawing their tasers and squirting pepper spray.

A separate unbelievable turn of events at Wetherspoons saw a woman humiliated by a male manager who asked her to leave the boozer because her outfit was too revealing.

Gutted Mollie Wood was told by a male manager she wouldn’t be served because they were dressed “unsuitably” in black halter crop tops, ankle-length skirts and trainers after watching England in Euro 2020.

In yet another bizarre Wetherspoons event, customers enjoying a drink were suddenly hit by plaster raining down from the ceiling.

The Waterhouse in Manchester had to evacuate people from the building before two victims were taken to hospital.

Stunned witness Ross Austin, who was eating at the pub told Manchester Evening News he heard a "big bang" and a "crash from the roof".

“I was in the other room at the time and everyone looked shocked and I think no one was hurt but we all told to go outside," he added.

“The staff looked shocked as we didn't expect that to happen. I left after that.”

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  • Pubs
  • Wetherspoons
  • Alcohol

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