Coronation Street theory: Exit for beloved family after health scare

Gabby Glaister discusses her return to Coronation Street

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Coronation Street’s Ed Bailey (played by Trevor Michael Georges) has been at loggerheads with his neighbour Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) after messing him around with his roof. Aggie Bailey (Lorna Laidlaw) has been a comfort for Tim Metcalfe (Joe Duttine) after he opened up to her about his impotence. Their son James Bailey (Nathan Graham) has faced some challenges during his time in the cobbles after his partner Danny Tomlinson (Dylan Brady) accidentally outed his sexuality on social media. However, his life is set to be turned upside down after suffering a devastating health scare, leaving his parents to reconsider their lives in Weatherfield.

In scenes to air next week, official spoilers reveal that Jenny Connor (Sally Anne Matthews) is feeling the pressure as she meets with the pub’s charity football team.

She knows that the rival pub, The Flying Horse, are looking for revenge and needs to have her team on top form.

Noticing she is worried about the match, Tim suggests that Jenny enlist the help of James, as they know he is a Weatherfield County footballer.

Later, Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) catches Tim hiding from Trina (Emma Williams) in the cab office.

Wondering what he is doing, Tim confides in Peter that Trina’s his sex therapist and that since his heart op, he’s suffered from impotence.

During the football coaching, James puts the Rovers team through their paces and leaves Dev Alahan (Jimmi Harkishin) to give a pre-match pep talk.

However, Tim misconstrues his words and thinks Dev’s making a dig at his impotence, accusing Peter of betraying his confidence and storms out.

Tim’s tantrum means that James has to agree to step in and take his place in the match.

As they set off for the match, Aggie notices that Tim isn’t looking his best, inviting him in for a cup of tea.

Whilst Tim is confiding his troubles to Aggie once again, the match kicks off and they miss the opening minutes.

The Flying Horse take the lead but with only minutes remaining, James gives the game his all, putting the Rovers in front, but suddenly he collapses.

Ed rushes across the pitch frantically calling an ambulance as Michael Bailey (Ryan Russel) performs CPR on James.

At the hospital, James is told he has a condition called cardiomyopathy and will be fitted with an ICD to prevent further cardiac arrests.

As James is wheeled away to the theatre, Aggie breaks down.

Will the Bailey family have to make a life-changing decision to stay in Weatherfield?

With his condition and the ICD being fitted, James will no longer be able to play football, giving up his passion.

Could he possibly convince Aggie and Ed to move out of Weatherfield with him, moving closer to his long-distance boyfriend Danny?

Whatever decision they make is bound to cause shockwaves through the cobbles as they adjust to their new life.

Knowing that Tim has been suffering from cardiac issues, he could be a shoulder for James to lean on through his recovery.

Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.

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