Everyone thrilled as EastEnders dismissed one of its worst stories in a sentence

As if 2023 couldn’t get any better, EastEnders has just dismissed one of its worst storylines of all time, and fans couldn’t be happier about it.

Cast your mind back, if you will, to the dreaded year that was 2020… Horrible, we know, but it’s necessary.

You may remember that in February of that year, Sharon Watts’ (Letitia Dean) son Denny tragically died in the boat crash.

Devastated Sharon later discovered that Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) had locked him in a room below deck, and blamed him for her son’s untimely death.

In a bid to get her revenge, she began poisoning him, in one of the most bizarre storylines in EastEnders history.

Viewers were stunned as she fed him a poisoned carbonara, between finally coming clean and stopping him from finishing the dish.

Following her confession, Ian fled the Square, and hadn’t been seen by anyone since, until last night’s (August 29) dramatic episode.

Sharon was gobsmacked to see Ian back in the Queen Vic, but there were more shocks to come as Cindy Beale (Michelle Collins) burst into the room, very much alive.

In tonight’s (August 30) episode, the fallout of Cindy and Ian’s returns was far reaching, with the residents of Walford all trying to get their heads around her miraculous return from the dead.

While Cindy remained the main topic of conversation for many, Sharon’s priorities fell elsewhere, as she tried her best to reconcile with former best friend and ex-husband Ian.

As the pair came face to face for the first time since that fateful night in 2021, Sharon revealed that she had done a lot of thinking about what had happened during that time, and she didn’t want that to ruin the friendship they previously had.

As Ian pointed out that she had tried to kill him, Sharon managed to put an end to that whole saga with just one sentence.

‘So did Cindy, but you seemed to find a way to get past that…’

Boom. Absolute mic drop from Sharon there.

While Ian has had over 25 years to get over Cindy’s attempt to have him killed, it seemed he couldn’t argue with Sharon’s logic here, as the pair sat down for a long overdue chat.

By the time they were done, it was like none of that had ever happened, and EastEnders fans couldn’t be happier to see them back together again.

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