GMB’s Piers Morgan ‘never imagined’ old pal Trump would incite Capitol riot

Piers Morgan has torn a strip off his former friend Donald Trump in the wake of the riots last week, which saw an angry pro-Trump mob storm the Capitol.

Six people have been left dead after the incident, including US Capitol Police officer Brian D Sicknick, whose death is being treated as a federal murder.

Good Morning Britain host Piers spoke on Monday's episode of the ITV show, saying he "never thought he'd be capable" of inciting the riots which were done in his name.

The 55-year-old said: "I said last week, he has played down to the very worst expectations and predictions of his worst critics, and to everyone who gave him the benefit of the doubt – including me, until the pandemic really hit in March and April and I could see the way he was going and began to attack him last year – but I never imagined the person I've known for 15 years would be capable of inciting a mob."

Piers labelled Trump "a threat to American democracy" and said those who had warned that something like this would happen have been "proven right".

He added: "But Joe Biden will be President. He's a good man, a decent man, and he needs to somehow restore peace and healing in America – but it's not going to be easy."

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  • Donald Trump
  • Piers Morgan
  • Good Morning Britain

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