Janine joins forces with Jada to destroy Linda in EastEnders

Janine Butcher (Charlie Brooks) has joined forces with Jada Lennox (Kelsey Calladine-Smith) in EastEnders in her mission to destroy Linda Carter (Kellie Bright).

The dastardly schemer, as viewers are aware, is hellbent on getting landlady Linda out of her life once and for all, as she knows that it’s likely only a matter of time before Mick (Danny Dyer) reunites with her.

Jada, meanwhile, received a huge telling off from Linda in Wednesday’s (August 24) edition of the BBC One soap, after it was revealed that she brought drugs into the salon.

The character professed her innocence, reiterating that she didn’t own the drugs, revealing that she was merely going to dispose of them for another person – who we, the viewers know to be Stuart Highway (Ricky Champ)

Jada, however, withheld Stuart’s identity, and thus Linda – who invested in the salon earlier this year – struggled to believe her employee’s words.

Jada therefore lashed out at Linda in a brutal tirade, saying some incredibly hurtful things. Linda retaliated by sacking her.

Janine, meanwhile, got wind of the showdown, and thus she sought Jada out, offering her support, claiming that Linda has treated her appallingly.

Using Jada’s situation to her advantage, Janine suggested that they join forces to ‘do something about Linda’ once and for all.

Will Jada agree?

That remains to be seen, but next week sees this story take a rather interesting route, as – following Linda’s day in court – Janine begins to blackmail Jada into helping her complete her mission.

Things then take a shocking turn, and Linda will be left devastated as a result. The question is: just what transpires?

EastEnders continues Thursday August 25 at 7:30pm on BBC One, or stream the next episode on BBC iPlayer right now.

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