Boris Johnson must act or Brits' tsunami of debt could sink him too

BORIS Johnson has been struck by paralysis on the exploding cost of living crisis.

The PM is in danger of squandering the credit he has banked for his handling of Covid by seeming complacent over soaring household bills.

Government inaction has now allowed Labour to sneak in with its own eye-catching plans to counter tax hikes and spiralling energy prices.

Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves claims her “fully costed” proposals will cut familiy outgoings by as much as £600 a year.

They include an audacious windfall tax on fat cat North Sea energy companies that have raked in huge profits from the gas price surge.

Whether or not the plans stand up to scrutiny, they will appeal to millions of people fretting over their family budgets.

And Ms Reeves’s accusation that the Tories have been “asleep at the wheel” may well chime with many. On this page Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng makes a powerful defence of what the Government has done so far to take the edge off rising bills.

But there is little new to deal with this rapidly approaching cash emergency.

The Government must come up with its own rescue package.

A good place to start would be scrapping VAT on energy and delaying National Insurance hikes.

Boris is already trailing Labour in key Red Wall seats.

If he doesn’t act soon the tsunami of debt could sink him too.

Jab Prem players

PREMIER League football clubs have been quick to lend stadiums for jabs and very vocal when staff and players fall victim to Covid.

But what we haven’t seen is a meaningful crackdown on players to ensure they are all getting their vaccinations.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries could soon give the red card to all that.

She is considering a rule change that would mean unjabbed sportsmen and women returning to the UK from events abroad will have to isolate for 10 days.

It is high time for such measures.

The harder we make life for anti-vaxxers or the non-jabbed, the better chance we will have of reducing their number.

Kate's rip-roaring 40s

MANY happy returns to Kate Middleton on her 40th birthday today.

The stunning images of our future Queen highlight once again what a huge asset she is as a thoroughly modern royal.

We hope your special day is great, Kate.

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