JAKE Tapper launched a wild attack on Donald Trump, calling the presdident's campaign "the most negative, sleazy campaign in American history".
Following the final Presidential election debate between Trump and Democrat nominee Joe Biden on Thursday, the CNN journalist launched an attack on the president's campaign and his supporters.
“The president, even though he leaned into it a little bit, but he didn’t really go full-bore, which I think was wise, or at least not stupid.
"He is running the single most negative, sleazy campaign in American history for a major party candidate.”
"Now it used to be that people would be negative,” Tapper continued.
Tapper offered no critique of Biden who himself declared Trump “racist” and a “clown” in the presidential debate.
The Democrat nominee likened the president to Adolf Hitler, and repeatedly referred to debunked Russian conspiracy theories.
Tapper continued by citing an example of the GOP using hardball tactics from 1988: “Well, it used to be people would be negative, and you could always say, ‘Well, don’t forget the campaign against Dukakis.’”
His tirade continued as he warned Americans they should be wary of the president's die hard supporters.
“In 1800, Jefferson had pamphleteers who accused John Adams of being a hermaphrodite,” or whatever.
"The campaign that Trump and his allies in the media, and members of his family, and the Trump-allied websites and such, are leveling, with charges so heinous I’m not even going to say them.
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"Just nonsense, crap, tied into QAnon, tied into Pizzagate, tied into the worst things you could say about a person with no evidence, just completely made up, is so disgusting, and so beneath what this election should be, and I just want viewers at home to be ready because all of their grandparents’ Facebook feeds and all of the Twittersphere, it’s going to be so heinous over the next 11 days and people should just be prepared for it.
"The president leaned into some of it, generally some of the sleazier, baseless accusations, not the worst, but it’s going to get a lot worse."
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