I'm trapped in my home and have only showered TWICE in three years but the council refuses to rehouse me – it's not fair | The Sun

A DISABLED mum feels like an "animal trapped in a cage" as council refused to move her for "five or six years" despite no shower or front door access.

Deborah Tipper and her daughter first requested a different council property "five or six years ago'" due to worsening health conditions, but are still waiting.

The 61-year-old said: "I can't get upstairs for a shower or a bath, I just can't do anything, I'm just stuck.

"They've said they just can't deal with it right now and I'm not a priority."

Mrs Tipper explained her carers arrive in the morning to get her washed and help her get ready for the day, "And then I'm just sitting here for the rest of the day, I feel like a trapped animal" she added.

Her daughter, Faye Bonner, said: "She said to me she feels like an animal trapped inside a cage, because she can't get out she can't do anything she wants to do.

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"She can't physically walk down the stairs – she hasn't in three years.

"Also she said she feels disgusting because she's had two showers in three years because she can't get access to the bathroom.

"She gets washed by her carers but it's just not the same. She's only managed to have a shower when she's been in hospital.

"She just wants to live a normal life."

The concerned daughter explained her mother's house has a flight of stairs when you walk through the front door that lead to the living room and kitchen.

There is a further set of stairs to an upper level that take you to the bedrooms and bathroom.

The property layout and Mrs Tipper's physical disabilities has meant she is now confined to living in her lounge and cannot access anything upstairs, or downstairs.

"It's a major fire hazard. Knowing if there is a fire, she definitely will die in that house because if she managed to get to the stairs she would fall down, she's just got no options to get out the house," Ms Bonner added.

Due to her concerns, Ms Bonner has contacted the local fire station on multiple occasions for a fire safety risk assessment, but with no success.

The fire services told the mother and daughter it was an issue they needed to take to Birmingham City Council.

A spokesperson from Birmingham City Council said: "We are sorry that this tenant has been unable to access parts of their property as a result of their worsening condition."

However, Ms Bonner did get a safety assessment from Mrs Tipper's occupational therapist, who confirmed: "This isn't safe for her to live, she needs a ground floor place."

The location of her home has resulted in several male family members resorting to carrying the 'trapped' resident down the stairs themselves.

On the isolation her mother feels, Ms Bonner said: "If she could get out, she could come to mine for sleepovers. She can't go to family parties, she misses out on everything. It's been so hard for her staying in."

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Birmingham City Council have also stated: "The council have been in regular contact with the tenant to find out how we can best help them.

"As a result they have resubmitted their housing application due to their mobility issues and they have been awarded a Band 1, the top band on the waiting list.

"We will now be working with them to find more suitable accommodation as soon as possible in line with our allocation policy."

Residents of Jordan House, also under the care of Birmingham City Council, expressed their frustration too, after "being forced to live in horrific conditions."

Chase Simper, of Jordan House, claimed his partner and four-year-old son were not safe in their mice 'infested' property, he said: "It has been going on since we moved in six years ago.

"Now it literally rains inside our house. The leaking is non-stop, we are forever putting towels down but they are soaked after a few hours.

"We've had over 300 repair notices in six years. We've tried discussing rehoming but they say we have to stay put."

Another family were re-located by their council, but forced them to move almost 200 miles away.

Mum-of-four Lisa was moved with her three children to Stoke-on-Trent, which is 185 miles from her home in North East London and told if she refused she would be "making her family homeless."

“I have had no support from them at all, it was horrible. I still don’t really feel myself. I was crying every day up there. I just felt lost."

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