Keir Starmer is criticised for ditching another leadership pledge

Keir Starmer is criticised for ditching another leadership pledge by U-turning on a promise to close immigration detention centres

  • Sir Keir Starmer has been criticised for ditching yet another leadership pledge 
  • It comes after he reneged on a promise to close immigration detention centres  

Sir Keir Starmer was criticised last night for ditching yet another leadership pledge after he reneged on a promise to close immigration detention centres.

During his Labour leadership campaign in 2020, Sir Keir promised to ‘end indefinite detention and call for the closure of centres such as Yarl’s Wood.’

But party sources suggested that was no longer the case, meaning the Labour leader – dubbed ‘Sir Flop Flop’ by his critics – has U-turned on yet another promise to voters.

A Tory spokesman said last night: ‘Keir Starmer will say or do anything as long as the politics suits him.

‘No matter how many times he flip flops we all know that a Labour government means unlimited and uncontrolled migration.’

Sir Keir Starmer was criticised last night for ditching yet another leadership pledge after he reneged on a promise to close immigration detention centres

Labour will instead focus on improving detention centres so they no longer have to shut, according to the Sun on Sunday.

Conservative MP Tom Hunt added: ‘Sir Flippy Floppy can’t hide the truth. It’s all there for us to see.

‘Not just in his pledges before becoming leader but in his voting record in Parliament. He’s soft on illegal immigration and has always voted against any attempt to control our borders.

‘The sheer scale and frequency of his U-turns has got to the point where it’s almost pointless taking seriously anything he says or any position he adopts as it’s highly likely to change within weeks. He’s devoid of principle and a backbone.’

Sir Keir has overseen a number of U-turns on policy pledges during his time as Labour leader.

He has previously admitted that his policy promises – which include climate justice, common ownership of utilities and raising taxes on the most wealthy – may not be feasible due to the state of the public finances after the pandemic.

Sir Keir has overseen a number of U-turns on policy pledges during his time as Labour leader

But his failure to commit to at least half of the pledges made during the 2020 leadership campaign have sparked accusations that voters cannot trust anything Labour says before the next election.

On Friday his Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves confirmed the party’s plan to spend £28billion a year on green jobs and industry would be postponed. Conservative Party chairman Greg Hands said: ‘Keir Starmer’s main economic policy is in tatters, after even he and Rachel Reeves realised it would lead to disaster.’

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