Moment man abandoned his girlfriend as thugs mugged her in Mexico

Shocking moment man sprints away and ABANDONS his girlfriend as they are targeted by muggers in Mexico

  • A viral video revealed the moment a young man left behind his girlfriend, who was robbed of her cellphone by two muggers in Ecatepec, Mexico
  • The shocking incident took place last Tuesday while the couple held hands as they walked down sidewalk and were suddenly confronted by the assailants
  • The boyfriend took of running the moment he saw one of the muggers jump off the motorcycle’s rear seat
  • The young woman gave up her cellphone without putting up a fight

Shocking video footage has captured the bizarre moment a young man abandons his girlfriend as they are being mugged by two men on a motorcycle in Mexico.

The couple, whose names are unknown, can be seen in the surveillance video holding hands as they are walking down a sidewalk in the city of Ecatepec last Tuesday.

One of the assailants jumped out from the rear seat and tries to grab the young woman’s boyfriend, who quickly takes off running.

The suspect turns back and restrains the frightened woman and appears to grab her cellphone.

Muggers on a motorcycle approached a young couple in Ecatepec, Mexico, last Tuesday. A young man wound up leaving his girlfriend behind as one of the suspects stole her cellphone

A young man is captured on camera fleeing from two muggers and leaving his girlfriend behind in the Mexican city of Ecatepec last Tuesday

A suspect robs a young woman of her cellphone in a shocking mugging that was captured by a surveillance camera in Ecatepec, Mexico, last Tuesday

The woman doesn’t fight off her aggressor and walks away as he hops back on the motorcycle to flee with his accomplice.

Social media users were taken aback by the man’s decision to abandon his girlfriend instead of defending her from the robbers.

‘Why do you want enemies with a boyfriend like that?’ @MrElDiable8 wrote on his Twitter account after sharing the CCTV footage.

The mugger was able to snatch the young woman’s cellphone while a resident was attempting to open the gate to a home and chose not to get involved and come to victim’s aid

The young woman walks away moments after she was mugged in Mexico in broad daylight 

Another Twitter user took a jab a Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s strategy of combating crime with ‘hugs and not bullets.’

‘There is peace in Mexico and there are no criminals,’ @cavo_71 chimed in.

However, one person did defend the boyfriend’s decision to run away and said the mugging could’ve turned violent had he confronted the muggers.

‘I think that when he first ran it was by instinct, she didn’t react the same way,’ @AnallyPaduano tweeted. ‘But I think it could be worse if he came back to defend her or tried to.’

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