Our dangerous belief that the pandemic is over

Credit:Illustration: Andrew Dyson

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Our dangerous belief that the pandemic is over

According to “published health advice”, this is the state government’s current approach to the pandemic: “Despite high community transmission, Victoria is increasingly moving towards individual and community-led management of COVID” (Sunday Age, 3/7).

Apart from being contradictory, this seems to be based on an idealistic view of Victorians – and of the extent of community knowledge and understanding of COVID-19 and its management.

This week in a supermarket, a woman beside me pointed at the limited stock of toilet paper and said: “Looks like when we used to have COVID. Don’t know how we’re going to stock up if it ever comes back.” It is alarming to think that most, if not all, of the other unmasked shoppers probably shared her belief that Victoria is COVID-free. And that they now feel free from the need to take precautionary measures.

It is hard to imagine how this fits into the official strategy of “individual and community-led management of COVID”. And even harder to imagine the rationale for the government’s adoption of the strategy.
Bev Roberts, Newport

Countries mishandled the vaccine distribution

How sad that the world has not been able to organise the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines more effectively. As someone who received two doses of AstraZeneca quite happily, I am disappointed that Canada will throw out almost 14 million doses of the vaccine after it struggled to find a country that would accept them (World, 8/7).
Peta Colebatch, Hawthorn

Reintroduce mask mandate for indoor settings

Your correspondent says it is shameful that the media have barely raised a whimper about Daniel Andrews’ decision to extend the pandemic declaration (Letters, 8/7). With case numbers and hospitalisations rising across Victoria and indeed the world, I would have thought that extension made perfect sense.

In fact, it might be prudent to look at further measures to curb the spread of the latest Omicron variant such as mandatory masks in public, indoor settings.
Jack Morris, Kennington

Choosing to ignore paranoia and enjoy life

Good on Kathryn Wicks for wearing a mask in the office for “as long as it takes” (Comment, 7/7). However, it is likely some variant of this disease will be floating around for many years, so Wicks will wear a mask for a long time. Me? I would prefer to ignore the paranoia and just get on with living.
Tim Habben, Hawthorn

Making it easier for more people to be protected

As well as expanding the age eligibility for a fourth COVID-19 shot, how about also allowing more age groups to have easy and affordable access to the antiviral medications?
Sharon Rishel, Toorak

Surely it’s common sense to take precautions

It is time for governments to create a shock television advertisement, similar to the AIDS “Grim Reaper” ad. The message should be: Get vaccinated and wear a mask to reduce your risk of dying from COVID-19.
Nigel Beresford, Drouin


Encouraging teaching

The teacher shortage (The Age, 7/7) has been in the making for years. Census data predicted that Victoria would have about 11,000 more secondary students per year between about 2019 and 2024. The pandemic has made a bad situation worse.

The shortfall in mathematics teachers was first identified in a Victorian government report in 1987 and a federal government report in 1988.

There needs to be retaining of existing teachers and the pipeline needs to be fixed for new teachers. For mathematics, it means a concerted effort to improve participation in year 12, incentives to become teachers, and universities being expected to offer a degree in mathematical sciences.
Jan Thomas, North Melbourne

The witch-hunt is over

Congratulations, Mark Dreyfus, for ordering the Commonwealth to drop the prosecution of Bernard Collaery (The Age, 8/7). The witch-hunt that occurred under the previous government has come to an end. Justice served and justice done. Next, Julian Assange’s return to Australia, please.
Maurie Johns, Mount Eliza

A national disgrace

Mark Dreyfus’ decision is very welcome. The way justice has been administered by the former Coalition government (and Labor government at times) in dealing with this case in particular and Timor Leste in general, has been unethical, possibly unlawful, and the actions of a bully.

I recommend all those with interest in this disgraceful episode to read Collaery’s book, Oil under Troubled Water.
Marie Rogers, Kew

The last persecution

The draconian security laws that were used to prosecute Bernard Collaery must be repealed so that this sort of persecution is not allowed to happen again.
Bill O’Connor, Beechworth

Sorry, nothing to admire

“How to view Kyrgios? (Editorial, 8/7). Not at all in my view. The players I admire for their talent, courage and fortitude are Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer and others of their ilk. I could not care less about Nick Kyrgios.
Carmel Boyle, Alfredton

No excuses for Kyrgios

The behaviour displayed by Nick Kyrgios is not “antics”, it is abuse. A good showing in a tennis tournament does not excuse him and we should not be celebrating him.
Eleanor Masters, Northcote

The politicians we want

It is great to see a bipartisan approach, without point-scoring, to the floods in NSW. Congratulations, Anthony Albanese and Dominic Perrottet, for working together for all those who have been affected by this tragedy.
Christine Hammett, Richmond

Albanese’s big picture

Your correspondent asks whether the prime minister, by visiting Ukraine, is “falling into line of Australia’s designated role as deputy sheriff for the United States and whether more will be expected closer to home” (Letters, 6/7).

On this occasion it is more likely that he is falling into line with NATO members with a view to increasing trade with them and Europe in general.
Brendan O’Farrell, Brunswick

Don’t let us down, PM

With great fanfare, Tony Abbott announced that he was going to “shirtfront‴⁣⁣ Vladimir Putin. Sadly, when the occasion presented itself, it turned out to be more of a fizzer than a fire cracker.

Here’s hoping that Anthony Albanese delivers on his threat to treat Putin “with the contempt that he deserves” when they meet at the G20 in Bali later this year (The Age, 8/7). Time will tell.
Walter Valles, Clayton South

Right of the disabled

As a result of my multiple sclerosis, I have become dependent on a wheelchair. Lately I have encountered problems with disabled toilets: able-bodied people using them; management locking the toilets, preventing my access; toilets which are not lockable (which denies my right to privacy); and toilets being used for storage.

Urgency to use the bathroom is a hallmark of many conditions. Using the disabled toilet may be suitable for many people, but it is essential for me. The National Disability Insurance Scheme should provide funding to subsidise the installation of accessible toilets which are only accessible to disabled people.
Nadine McMaster, Port Melbourne

The show comes first

I completely agree with Deborah Rogers regarding Ellen Fanning (Letters, 8/7). The Drum’s moderator should just moderate, and not try to make it all about her. Fanning thinks she has to perform but the other presenters show how it should be done.
Chris Page, Ballarat

Possums’ perspective

I have every sympathy for your letter writers and their decimated gardens as a result of possums. There is, however, an elephant in the room (or garden): lost habitat and growing ornamental or exotic trees. You are providing easy food for these native animals.

I have glorious king parrots demolishing my geraniums and I found, yesterday morning, that they are quite interested in the parsley. But they are so cute. I do have native trees for the possums so they behave. Lost habitat will always present these problems.
Sue Anson, Mount Macedon

Reclaiming The Age

Marcia Roche (Letters, 8/7), the long barbecue tongs may work for you to pick up the flat-pack Age when it is on the ground. However, twice I have found a ladder more useful as the paper was delivered onto the roof. It is unlikely that those pesky possums put them there.
Kester Baines, Belmont

A more modern Australia

With a successful NAIDOC Week coming to an end, is it time to think about updating our national flag so that it better, and more fairly, represents Australia in the 21st century?

My proposal is to replace the Union Jack with the Aboriginal flag, thus retaining the Southern Cross and creating a flag which is easy to distinguish from other Commonwealth flags (for example, New Zealand). The symbolism would create a recognition of our First Australians and a true reflection of who we are becoming.
Brian Matthews, Kialla

Such a shocking waste

It was disturbing to read that the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute has found governments, in spending more than $20.5 billion on first home buyers, made housing affordability worse (The Age, 8/7). It increased demand but not supply, thus mostly benefiting existing owners particularly those selling.

The report also found that the money could have funded 60,000 social housing dwellings, or 137,000 shared-equity dwellings, at a time when many people are living in their cars or tents.

There should be a public inquiry (hopefully by the federal government) into these perversely wasteful outcomes of huge public expenditures, including what sources of advice, if any, governments acted upon.
Thomas Hogg, East Melbourne

Almost a footy winner

Congratulations to Age football tipster Andrew Wu (Sport, 7/8). He got the right margin (28 points) in the Melbourne-Geelong game on Thursday but unfortunately for him, picked the losing team.
Ian Panther, North Ringwood

The end of an era?

It would appear that populist leaders like Donald Trump, Boris Johnson and even Scott Morrison who campaign well but fail to deliver leadership when in government, have had their day.
Michael Brinkman, Ventnor

Mixed feelings for Nick

My very great sadness over any victory by Nick Kyrgios at Wimbledon is only somewhat alleviated by my happiness for his very unwell mum (The Age, 6/8) and her great joy over her son’s success.
Howard Hutchins, Chirnside Park



It’s time Jim Hacker stepped up to the plate and raised the ethical standards of British governance.
Phil Mackenzie, Eaglemont

Boris. Scott. Donald. Good things come (and go) in threes.
Jenny Bone, Surrey Hills

Has Boris really pulled out of Wimbledon?
Ross Gillett, Daylesford

Yes Prime Minister? No Prime Minister.
Lesley Black, Frankston


It would seem that “our Nick” is within spitting distance of taking the Wimbledon crown.
David Hay, Greensborough

Nick Curious.
Russell Brown, Warragul

When it comes to Kyrgios, I’ll listen to my eight-year-old son who said, “he’s not a very nice man”.
Bruce McMillan, Grovedale


How refreshing to see leaders of opposing parties working amicably in a crisis. Take a bow, Perrottet and Albanese.
Arthur Pritchard, Ascot Vale

Mark Dreyfus has removed a stain from our justice system.
Hans Paas, Castlemaine

A great decision by Dreyfus on Collaery.
David Fry, Moonee Ponds

It might not be a Whitlam/Barnard whirlwind but it’s great to see much-needed situations addressed.
Barry Culph, St Leonards


Spot on, Kathryn Wicks (7/7). My mask is staying on for as long as it takes.
Louise Kloot, Doncaster

With so much COVID and flu around, masks are a no-brainer.
Don Stewart, Port Fairy

What are the Catholic bishops who voted against women becoming deacons (7/7) afraid of?
Grant Morgan, Hurstbridge

Why isn’t global disarmament an urgent moral challenge of our generation?
Bridget Carlson, Ballarat

Does the flat-pack Age come with an Allen key?
Margaret Skeen, Point Lonsdale

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