Shocking moment teen robbers watch shopkeeper have a heart attack then continue to rob his store

CALLOUS teen yobs abandoned a shop worker when he suffered a heart attack confronting them as they tried to rob the store.

Instead of calling the emergency services or attempting first aid the youths returned several times to the shop in Auburn, south of Seattle, US, to steal cigarettes and empty the till of $178 (£137).

Zarif Kelada collapsed while he confronted the two teenagers, Auburn police said.

Kelada is currently in hospital on life support.

The store’s manager Angela Sharapova told Seattle’s KOMO-TV: “It’s absolutely heartbreaking.

"And we’re just all kind of coping with it – hoping that our guy’s going to make it.”

Cops said the incident occurred when a man walked in with two teens on Saturday evening.

One of the teens took a pepperoni stick from the counter and began to eat it and then gave a second one to his friend.

When the man tried to buy a different item, Kelada tried to charge him for the two pepperoni sticks but an argument broke out.

One of the teenagers offered Kelada a dollar bill and he then circled the counter to confront the youths.

The father-of-three then collapsed after suffering a heart attack.

The man and the two youths have now been identified, according to Q13Fox.



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Investigators said the adult man was not involved in the incident.

It is not yet clear if anyone will be charged over the incident.

Auburn Police commander Steve Stocker said: “This is not something you see very often.

“It really shocks people and makes people wonder when people can be this cold to other people.”

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