Shopper buys 540 nearly half-price beer cans after Sainsbury's glitch

Thirsty shopper buys 540 cans of beer for nearly half-price after spotting Sainsbury’s self-checkout glitch

  • Stuart Hardy bought 540 Peroni cans for £324 – but they should have been £594 

A man said he managed to buy 540 cans of beer for nearly half price after a Sainsbury’s self-checkout glitch.

Stuart Hardy popped into his local supermarket to see what they had on offer. He quickly spotted a deal on Peroni beer.

The store in Stafford, Staffordshire was offering a deal on a 10-pack of 330ml cans of the Italian lager brand.

The crate was supposed to cost £11 with a Nectar card. But when Mr Hardy, 42, put it through on the self-checkout, he claims it only cost $6 each.

Stuart Hardy (left, with friend Dave Hopson) said he managed to buy 540 cans of beer for nearly half price after a Sainsbury’s self-checkout glitch.

Stuart Hardy with the cases of Peroni at his home bar in Stafford, Staffordshire

Immediately, he rang his best friend, Dave Hopson, 38. Mr Hopson said he was so shocked, that he had to do a double-take and check his bank account in the car park.

The pair said they then took advantage of the self-checkout glitch and bought 54 boxes of beer – 540 cans in total.

They claimed they spent a total of just £324 – but it would have set them back £594.

Luckily for Mr Hardy, he created his home bar so has plenty of room for the beers.

He said: ‘I just popped in for a couple of beers to top my bar fridge up.

‘Sainsbury’s is usually pretty good but there wasn’t a lot on offer other than 10 cans of Peroni 330ml.

‘I thought: “Oh I’ll buy one as a treat before I went to Asda and see what they had on offer.”

‘I took the box of Peroni to the self-checkout, and scanned the beer and it came to £6..

Mr Hardy and Mr Hopson said they then took advantage of the self-checkout glitch and bought 54 boxes of beer – 540 cans in total

‘I walked out thinking “Was that right what I saw”, double checked my account in the car park, and it was, so I rang my mate Dave.

‘He said he would meet me there and see if it happened again with more.

‘We brought 54 boxes in the end. We left very happy.

‘The best thing about your own bar is the entertaining of friends is so much better.

‘It’s such a good atmosphere and just amazing nights.’

Sainsbury’s has been approached for comment.

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