‘Swinger’ who raped girl, 8, while mum and stepdad joined in has sentence CUT because his crimes ‘weren’t bad enough’ – The Sun

A PERVERTED "swinger" who sexually abused an eight-year old girl alongside the victim's mum and stepdad has had his prison sentence slashed from 21 to 17 years.

Tracy Coulter, 58, pleaded guilty earlier this year to abusing the girl from Perth, Australia, in group sessions involving up to four adults.

Coulter’s original 21-year jail term was one of the longest prison sentences ever handed down in Western Australia for child sex abuse.

But he appealed the sentence as "manifestly excessive".

And the Court of Appeal partially agreed, cutting his term for one of the offences from 13 to nine years, although the other remained at eight years.

This was because it decided it "wasn't in the worst category" of sex offending.

The District Court heard the offences were discovered after a memory card containing a video of some of the abuse was found in a rental property and handed to police.

The disturbing recording showed the girl being abused "simultaneously or in quick succession" by Coulter, her mum and her stepdad, ABC reports.

Coulter was arrested in January 2018 and admitted the offences shown on the videos plus another charge in relation to three other incidents.

He was charged with sexual penetration of a child, making an indecent recording and persistent sexual conduct based on the girl's account.



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The court heard the adult offenders met through the "swingers sex scene".

The mother and stepdad, who cannot be named to protect the victims’ identity, faced court on December 6 for "depraved sexual abuse" between 2011 and 2015 of the girl and her younger brother.

The girl was aged between five and nine at the time, while her brother was between four and eight.

They will be sentenced in March 2020.

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