Tommy Sheridan who was jailed for perjury has been declared bankrupt

Disgraced former MSP Tommy Sheridan, who was jailed for perjury over News of the World defamation trial, has been declared bankrupt over unpaid legal bill

  • The former MSP, who was jailed for perjury, faces having his income seized
  • Sheridan was a controversial figure in politics from the 1980s to the early 2000s
  • He won a defamation case against News of the World but then jailed for perjury

Shamed Socialist firebrand Tommy Sheridan has been declared bankrupt – after unsuccessfully trying to prove he was the victim of a miscarriage of justice.

The former MSP, who was jailed for perjury, faces having his income and assets seized to repay a legal bill of more than £80,000.

The bankruptcy is the latest twist in an extraordinary saga which saw lurid claims of swingers’ parties, kinky sex and extramarital affairs aired in Scotland’s highest courts.

It saw Sheridan sensationally win a defamation action against the News of the World – and then be jailed for committing perjury.

The former MSP, who was jailed for perjury, faces having his income and assets seized to repay a legal bill of more than £80,000

Official documents show 58-year-old Sheridan has been added to the Insolvency Register – while a trustee has been appointed to control his finances and ensure as much of the debt as possible is repaid.

Sheridan, who lives with his wife Gail in the south of Glasgow, was a colourful and controversial figure in Scottish politics from the late 1980s to the early 2000s.

Known for his booming voice and frequent use of sunbeds, he was a prominent opponent of the poll tax.

He was elected as the Scottish Socialist Party’s sole MSP in the first Holyrood elections in 1999.

In 2004 and 2005, the News of the World ran stories claiming Sheridan had visited swingers’ clubs and cheated on his wife. In response, Sheridan sued for defamation.

Claims were heard in the ensuing trial that Sheridan had visited a swingers’ club, enjoyed bondage sessions and taken cocaine.

Known for his booming voice and frequent use of sunbeds, he was a prominent opponent of the poll tax 

The jury ruled the newspaper’s claims had damaged Sheridan’s reputation as a family man and he was awarded £200,000 in damages.

Police later began a criminal investigation after the News of the World claimed it had a recording which proved Sheridan had lied.

In 2010, a jury decided Sheridan had lied and had visited a swingers’ club. Mrs Sheridan was waiting for him when he was released from prison the following year.

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