Woman slices off her ex-boyfriend's penis with a knife

Woman slices off her ex-boyfriend’s penis with a knife while defending herself after he tried to rape her in Italy

  • The incident occurred on August 12 in Marghera, Venice, following an argument 
  • The man allegedly tried ‘making peace’, offering to have sex with former partner
  • Having declined, she cut off his penis with a knife after he tried to rape her 

A woman sliced off her ex-boyfriend’s penis with a knife after he tried to rape her in Italy, according to reports. 

The incident occurred on Saturday August 12 in Marghera, Venice, following an argument between the couple over custody of their daughter. 

The pair – who are both foreign nationals living in Italy – have reportedly been separated from some time, according to la Repubblica. 

They are said to have met in the woman’s home in order to seek an agreement on the ‘management’ of their daughter. 

The ensuing argument came after he allegedly tried ‘making peace’ by offering to have sex with her. 

The incident occurred on Saturday August 12 in Marghera, Venice, following an argument between the couple over custody of their daughter (File image)

After she is said to have refused, it is claimed that he pushed her against a piece of furniture while half-naked. 

The woman then responded by brandishing a knife and cutting off his penis with the blade. 

Police and ambulance services both rushed to the scene, with the pair both taken to hospital.

The man was said to have had his penis successfully reattached after an reconstruction operation, which was performed by urologist surgeons.  

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