WHETHER you have a phobia of them or not, most home owners would agree that they don't want spiders invading their home.
And at this time of the year, it's a more common problem than ever. So to lend a helping hand, here's some top tips on how to make sure they don't settle in your home, and other ways to banish them.
How to get rid of spiders from my home
It's some people's worst nightmares to spot a spider in their home, but luckily the good news is that there are several ways to make they don't stay put.
Read on to see the different methods you can adopt so that you can have fewer, or even no, eight-legged creatures crawling around your home.
Move the bins outside
There's a big chance that you will see more spiders situated around the bin in your home. That's because your waste attracts flies – which, in turn, can attract spiders.
To eradicate this issue, one thing that you can do it try moving your bins outside or as far away as possible, while also ensuring that you keep the lids closed whenever you're not using them.
Another tip is to keep the bins clear from any doorways and windows that lead into your house.
You may already know, but if there's one thing spiders don't like, it's the smell of peppermint.
So the next time you're cleaning your home, help to flush out the spiders by spritzing some peppermint-scented products around.
After vacuuming and dusting your home to rid of existing webs, mix up a two-part solution.
To make the repellent, add around 20 drops of peppermint oil to a bottle of water.
After pouring this into a spray bottle, spray it generously around your house.
To make this work even more effectively, make sure you take extra care to cover any small nooks and crannies, which can provide the perfect holes for the eight-legged creatures to hide in.
Unlike other methods, the peppermint trick prevents the bugs from being harmed and is much kinder.
Instead, it simply encourages them to relocate to your garden – where they, and you, will be much more comfortable.
Get a pet
There's one sure fire way of getting rid of spiders in your home and that is to introduce a pet to your family.
In particular cats are the perfect animals to get rid of unwanted spiders, as they chase away unwanted bugs from your home.
Use eucalyptus
As well as peppermint, spiders are repelled by the smell of this plant.
So you can either grow it as a houseplant, or place some around your bathrooms and wardrobes to help make it a less appealing home for the insects.
This popular plant is another one that gives your home a fresh smell, but drives spiders out.
Create your own DIY solution by mixing seven drops of lavender essential oils and one tablespoon of washing-up liquid.
Then, spritz the mixture around the areas where you're most likely to have spiders, including windows and doors.
A trusty vinegar and water solution isn't only of use for cleaning stubborn areas in the home.
Once you've mixed the solution up and put it into a spray bottle, drizzle it over little corners around your home and areas where you mostly find spiders.
While the smell will initially be pungent for you and your guests, as soon as the mixture dries up, it will disappear meaning you can go about your business knowing your home will soon be spider-free.
Horse Chestnuts
A common practice that lots of people use is to buy some horse chestnuts – aka conkers – and scatter them around the corners of the home that they regularly see spiders in.
That's because it's thought that their shells contain a chemical that repels the insects and puts them off of settling in your house.
Many experts claim that the inedible chestnuts are toxic and contain oils and chemicals that could repel spiders. Plus, others have pointed out that their shine can also contribute to driving them away.
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Why do spiders come inside our houses?
It's not that spiders necessarily prefer to be inside our houses, they simply like undisturbed corners low to the ground that are ideal for building webs.
This means that all of those those places you miss dusting or vacuuming are ideal spots for them to live.
However, certain times of the year and weather changes can also contribute to a rise in spiders in the home.
But armed with our top tips, you'll be ready to ensure your home doesn't become a breeding ground for creepy-crawlies.
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