Britain's most body confident cities revealed with London top of list

Revealed: Britain’s most body confident cities – so, how happy are people with their figures in YOUR area?

  • Survey reveals that 25 per cent of Londoners confess to loving their bodies
  • But just 6% of people in Belfast and Norwich are happy with their figures 

London isn’t just the capital of the UK – it’s also been crowned the most body confident city. 

Health and wellness app, Kic, set out to reveal the cities across Britain where people love – and hate – their bodies the most. 

Their survey revealed that 25 per cent of Londoners confess to loving their bodies, while 22 per cent of Brummies are happy with their figure. 

In contrast, Belfast and Norwich are at the bottom of the list, with just six per cent of people in each city deemed body confident. 

So, how does your city stack up in the body confidence league table?

Health and wellness app, Kic, set out to reveal the cities across Britain where people love – and hate – their bodies the most. Their survey revealed that 25 per cent of Londoners confess to loving their bodies, while 22 per cent of Brummies are happy with their figure

For the study, Kic surveyed 2,000 British women aged 18-34 about their views on their body. 

Overall, just four per cent said they never worry about their appearance, while 57 per cent worry on a weekly basis. 

Meanwhile, 83 per cent said that concerns around their appearance had led them to avoid certain events or activities. 

When asked about the main triggers of poor body image, 61 per cent pointed to social media, with 53 per cent saying that images of influencers and celebrities make them judge their bodies harshly. 

Britain’s most body confident cities

London: 25% 

Birmingham: 22%

Plymouth: 19%

Manchester: 18%

Leicester: 18%

Stoke-on-Trent: 17%

Newcastle: 17%

Leeds: 16%

Glasgow: 15%

Cambridge: 14%

% of people who say they love their body 

Britain’s least body confident cities 

Belfast: 6%

Norwich: 6%

Sheffield: 9%

Edinburgh: 9%

Liverpool: 10%

Cardiff: 11%

Brighton: 11%

Bristol: 11%

Oxford: 13%

Nottingham: 13%

% of people who say they love their body 

When asked about the main triggers of poor body image, 61 per cent pointed to social media, with 53 per cent saying that images of influencers and celebrities make them judge their bodies harshly (stock image)

Breaking the results down by city, London topped the list, with 25 per cent confessing to loving their bodies (stock image)

READ MORE: World’s most body confident countries revealed 

Additionally, 49 per cent said the fitness industry is obsessed with working out to ‘look good’ rather than doing so to ‘feel good’. 

And 52 per cent blamed body transformation images or fitness apps that promote calorie counting.

Breaking the results down by city, London topped the list, with 25 per cent confessing to loving their bodies. 

This was followed by Birmingham (22 per cent), Plymouth (19 per cent), Manchester (18 per cent) and Leicester (18 per cent). 

At the other end of the scale, Belfast and Norwich were found to be the least body confident (both six per cent), followed by Sheffield (nine per cent), Edinburgh (nine per cent), and Liverpool (10 per cent). 

And while 17 per cent of people in Stoke-on-Trent said they loved their body, this city equally had the highest ranking for ‘hating their body’ at 13 per cent. 

Laura Henshaw, CEO & co-founder of Kic, said: ‘Low body confidence is something that is affecting women and non-binary people across the globe, driven by the likes of social media and toxic trends disguised as “wellness”.

‘But it’s time to tear up the wellness “rule book” for the better if we’re to turn the tide on what is fast becoming an epidemic.’

Kic is available to download on the App Store and via Google Play now. 

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