EXCLUSIVE: Alien hunter calls for UFOs to be in the curriculum

EXCLUSIVE: Would you let your child take a GCSE in UFOs? Alien hunter believes ‘Ufology’ may soon be part of the school curriculum

  • Ex-cop Gary Heseltine believes that Ufology may soon be a ‘mainstream subject’
  • His thoughts come as the US Senate considers a Bill on the disclosure of UFOs

Aliens may be the last thing you consider when thinking of GCSEs, with English and Maths usually topping the agenda.

But one British UFO hunter boldly claims that Ufology may soon ‘become a mainstream subject’ as the world heads towards an extraterrestrial ‘paradigm shift’. 

Former detective Gary Heseltine wants to revamp traditional academia both within the UK and abroad as he believes that new US legislation has the potential to bring to light the truth about alien visitors.

It comes as the US Senate considers the UFO Disclosure Bill, which if passed would compel the American government to publicly release records relating to possible UFO sightings.

If this happens, Heseltine believes it would be ‘the most profound moment in human history’ and one that we are ‘unprepared for’ in terms of teaching children and adults alike about UFOs and their significance.

Ex-cop Gary Heseltine believes that Ufology may soon be a ‘mainstream subject’

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On three separate nights over Christmas, military personnel were convinced they had seen strange flashing lights near to a Royal Airforce base in Suffolk

It is for this reason that he is helping to create a series of online courses – taught by himself remotely – to help educate people about such phenomena.

Heseltine, who is vice president of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER), says his views are backed by 30 countries who are also pushing for new History and Religion courses to be made. 

‘We see our role as trying to be educators for what is coming,’ he told MailOnline. 

‘So, we’re preparing courses, and we will be totally reliant on funding. But it will come as and when you’re either on the brink or after that paradigm shift where “it’s” acknowledged.

‘Because then people are going to go “we’ll we need to brief our people”, they’ll come to us and say “we’ll fund courses for you to do”.

‘If you do your basic kindergarten at school, are you going to teach history in the same way? 

‘I think there will be university degrees and Ufology will become a mainstream subject. Whichever name you want to call it, essentially, ufologists will become a mainstream.’

Heseltine’s thoughts come just as the US Senate is expecting to consider the UFO Disclosure Bill which seeks to make make all information relating to ‘unidentified anomalous phenomena’ (UAPs) public.

If passed, records must be publicly disclosed no later than 25 years after they were created unless the president believes their release would threaten national security. 

Heseltine believes this legislation will help bring the truth about UFOs to light and the UK may even follow suit in its own legislation. 

So far, ‘Evidential History’ is the only ICER course to have taken place, which occurred during February over the course of six hours

‘As of when and if this major disclosure event happens we’re talking about the most profound moment in human history, and the world at the moment is totally unprepared for it, because 95 per cent of the world thinks it’s foolish. 

Ex-cop Gary Heseltine (pictured) is reshaping the course of traditional subjects in an attempt to prepare humans for life among extraterrestrial entities

‘So that’s going to be huge “hit the brick wall” for some people.

‘And part of ICER’s remit over the last couple of years is to start developing courses for all sections of society – religion, aviation, because people are going to go from nothing to suddenly “we need to catch up here”.’

So far, ‘Evidential History’ is the only ICER course to have launched.

It first took place in February as part of a six-hour lesson over two days. 

Religion, Aviation and even Technology are up next, but these are still within their development stages. 

The courses are designed for anyone of any age, with the more specialist classes to come at a cost that has not yet been set. 

Associate Professor Geoff Dancy, a political scientist at the University of Toronto, agreed with a number of ICER’s key points, but told MailOnline that education should always be grounded in ‘established historical and scientific propositions’.

So far, ‘Evidential History’ is the only ICER course to have kickstarted

He said: ‘In principle, ICER supports the scientific method, and it resists dogmatism (see their About and Mission pages). I support that. The problem is that they do not really follow the scientific method, which in essence roots claims in observable and replicable evidence.

‘Obviously textbooks and teaching curricula should be based on established historical and scientific propositions. 

‘We can never prove or disprove any proposition with 100 per cent certainty, but some propositions, or claims, have a great deal more evidentiary support than others. The evidence presented by ICER on its website is not good. It is what we may refer to as anecdata.’

The associate professor also said that governments may be hiding details on extraterrestrials, but stressed that many conspiracy theories surround this.

‘The idea that “the government” is hiding details about extraterrestrials is interesting and possible,’ he continued.

‘And as far as conspiracy theories go, it’s one of the least pernicious. Belief in aliens is not itself a conspiracy theory; the idea that authorities are hiding information about aliens is a conspiracy theory.

‘But there is an irony here. If all of the observable evidence of aliens remains hidden – because of a conspiracy – then there is no available data to support the proposition that aliens exist. 

‘If conspirators are successfully hiding information about extraterrestrials from the masses, then groups like ICER are rooting their propositions in what they believe, not what they know. In the end, this is not science, because science is based on overcoming doubts, not supporting beliefs.’

READ MORE: Pentagon whistleblower says the Vatican is aware of the existence of non-human intelligences and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from Italian dictator Mussolini at the end of WW2

A Pentagon whistleblower has claimed the Vatican is aware of the existence of non-human intelligences and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini at the end of the Second World War.

David Grusch, 36, served 14 years in the Air Force and is a decorated Afghanistan combat officer who worked for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).

His role was to act as the NRO’s representative when dealing with the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. The task force was specifically set up to investigate UFOs.

He has spoken out to say the US has run a top secret UFO retrieval program for decades and claimed the ‘Vatican was involved’ in the first ever UFO crash.

Grusch said the first recovery of a UFO was in Magenta, Italy in 1933 and it was held by Mussolini’s Italian government until 1944-1945 when Pope Pius XII tipped America off about it.

Pentagon whistleblower David Grusch, 36, has claimed the Vatican is aware of non-human intelligences and helped the US retrieve a downed UFO from dictator Benito Mussolini 

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