Over a quarter of dog owners admit they have not cleaned up after their dog

More than a quarter of dog owners have turned a blind eye – rather than picking up their pet’s poo, according to research. Of the 28 percent, of 2,000 dog owners polled who haven’t bothered to clean up after their pet, 36 percent admit this is a frequent occurrence.

And 14 percent never pick it up, always leaving their dog’s excrement behind.

It also emerged 64 percent of all dog owners don’t think about what could still be left behind on the ground, even after they’ve binned their poo bags.

And 36 percent would be more likely to leave dog poo behind were it in a rural field – with 51 percent unaware of the catastrophic impact it can have on livestock, were they to become carriers of tapeworm.

The research was commissioned by the makers of Droncit, a tapeworm tablet brand for dogs that kills off the parasite to avoid illness in canines, livestock, and even humans.

Luke Gamble, CEO of Worldwide Vet Service, a veterinary expert speaking on behalf of the brand, said: “Tapeworm can be a real issue, and can be passed on to livestock, which in turn costs our farming industry millions of pounds each year.

“This is something, understandably, many would have no idea about, and struggle to see how there’s an impact.

“However, there is no doubting the link between owners not picking up after their pets and transmission to livestock – and even, in some cases, humans.

“The solution to this issue for owners is to ensure your dog is given worming tablets, and at the right frequency to ensure there’s no issues encountered outdoors or within the home.”

It also emerged 56 percent of dog owners only ever think of the human implications of not picking up dog poo – such as someone standing in it – rather than how it could impact things like livestock.

But 19 percent have come across someone else’s pet’s poop when out on a walk, while 77 percent have witnessed another dog walker actively not pick up after their pooch.

The study also found 65 percent let their dog off the lead on a walk – with a quarter rating the chance of missing their dog doing their business at medium or high.

However, 27 percent incorrectly believed picking up a poo is enough to solve the issue of spreading tapeworm – unaware that residue left behind can have more than enough parasites to still be problematic.

Two-thirds also believed they, and fellow walkers, need to think more about the implications of not worming their dog.

One in six (15 percent) give their dog worming tablets either annually, or less often, according to the data via OnePoll.

And 21 percent only take their canine chum to the vets if there’s an issue, rather than having an annual check-up.

A spokesman from Droncit added: “It’s fair to assume if you pick up your dog’s poo that would be enough – but actually it’s not the case, particularly if your pet isn’t wormed.

“Ensuring your pet gets its worming tablets on a regular basis ensures such problems aren’t encountered.

“But this isn’t just something you want to do to protect livestock – if your dog has a tapeworm issue, this definitely isn’t a situation you’d particularly enjoy escalating in the comfort of your own home, so a simple tablet as regularly as your vet recommends, benefits everyone, including your canine.”

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