Robot ‘pastors’ hold AI church services as thousands tune into online sermons
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    Growing number of Christians have been flocking to online church services which use artificial intelligence to deliver sermons.

    Tens of thousands in America, South Korea and Pakistan have turned to chatbots and audio bibles for spiritual guidance. And generative AI bible study and prayer service apps have been booming globally as pastors use AI to help them write speeches and offer points of reflection.

    But they cautioned that, while the technology enables them to have more time to take care of their flock, they shouldn’t rely too much on it for religious activities and they still need to maintain the human touch. Awake, the firm behind Meadow – previously named Ask Jesus – has gained around 50,000 users since its launch in March.

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    The users come mainly from South Korea, where the growing surge in online church use was first spotted, but also from Pakistan, America as well as other western countries like Britain too. The company changed the app’s name after it realised some users regarded the chatbot’s answers as the word of God, saying that "AI is just a technology."

    The app sparked the interest of churches and pastors who use its technology to write sermons.

    Awake’s chatbot is based on Open AI’s ChatGPT technology but is specially trained with the firm’s own theological database. Essentially, the service responds to inquiries on spiritual matters and day-to-day issues with bible verses, interpretations and prayers. It can identify main messages and points of reflection as well as suggest a title for the sermon.

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    The chatbot’s accuracy is continuously reviewed by a committee of pastors. Awake said: “We faced strong resistance from churches initially with their suspicion that we are trying to replace God and pastors.

    “But pastors began to appreciate our service as it helps them save time in preparing for sermons, and find more time to take care of lonely, troubled followers.”

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    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Bible
    • Christianity

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