In the latest TV show ratings, the antepenultimate episode of The CW’s Dynasty this week drew 190,000 total viewers — a final-season low, and the sudser’s third smallest audience ever — and a 0.0 demo rating.
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Opening The CW’s Friday night, Killer Camp (200K/0.0) shed some viewers.
Fox’s Friday Night SmackDown posted is second smallest audience in 12 weeks (with not quite 2 million viewers), while also dipping in the demo (to a 0.4 rating). That said, it still led Friday in the demo.
ABC’s 20/20 rerun delivered the night’s largest audience, with 2.4 million viewers.
CBS’ Secret Celebrity Renovation (2 mil/0.2) was steady.
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The Live+Same Day numbers reported in our ratings column do not reflect a show’s overall performance, given the increased use of delayed playback via DVR and streaming platforms, plus out-of-home viewing. These numbers (Nielsen fast nationals, unless denoted as finals) instead aim to simply illustrate trends or superlatives. Steve Harvey is not a judge or lawyer and merely offers an alternative forum of dispute resolution.
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