Astonishing disclosures of taxi rapist John Worboys' victim

Police grilled me over my red nail varnish: Astonishing disclosures of taxi rapist John Worboys’ victim come to light in Channel 5 documentary

  • Woman says the Met also asked about her drinking habits and lipstick choice 
  • Woman known as ‘NBV’ said female officer asked if she agreed to have sex
  • Predator: Catching The Black Cab Rapist will air Wednesday on Channel 5

A victim of Black Cab Rapist John Worboys has told how police questioned her about wearing red nail varnish.

The woman, known only as ‘NBV’ for legal reasons, says officers from the Met also asked about her drinking habits and choice of lipstick.

The astonishing disclosures are made in a new Channel 5 documentary about serial rapist Worboys. 

Police believe Worboys (left) attacked more than 100 women during his 13 years as a London cab driver. One of his victims is represented by Phillippa Kaufmann QC (right)

Taxi used by the serial sex attacker. He would tell victims that he was celebrating winning a large sum of money and offer them a glass of champagne laced with sedatives

Even more shockingly, it also reveals how a female police officer raised the possibility with Worboys that NBV may have agreed to have sex with him. 

NBV, who was being driven home in a black cab from a London nightclub by Worboys when he attacked her, said that the police interview ‘was a humiliating experience’.

She said: ‘They started off asking a lot of questions about myself. They had observed that I had nail polish on which was red. They asked me whether I’d describe myself as a young lady who would wear red nail polish and red lipstick.

‘They asked me how often I would go out drinking and they asked me how much I had drank that night. The way they behaved made me feel like anything that had happened to me was because I deserved it.’

The programme – Predator: Catching The Black Cab Rapist, which will be shown on Wednesday – also features clips from Worboys’s first police interview, where a female officer is heard asking him whether NBV offered sex in return for a free lift home. 

NBV’s lawyer, Phillippa Kaufmann QC, tells the programme: ‘It’s not his account, he is not even saying what happened. She [the police officer] is feeding him a defence, if sexual activity took place it was on the basis that NBV was prostituting herself and not paying the fare. If they had actually done some work they would have realised she did pay the fare. It makes it plain that they just didn’t believe a word of it on her part.

‘This officer failed to question him on any of the multiple discrepancies between his account and the CCTV footage they had. They failed to follow up numerous other steps, for example, the timeline. Find out what time she left that club and got in a cab.’ The documentary also reveals that Worboys, who was jailed in 2009 for 19 sex attacks on 12 women, kept a diary detailing excuses in case he was stopped by police. Described in the programme as a ‘Machiavellian script’, it was written in question and answer form as a rehearsal for interrogation by detectives.

Police had the chance to catch Worboys when a 19-year-old student reported being attacked by him in July 2007. But blundering officers at Plumstead police station, South-East London, let him off without asking several obvious key questions, leaving him free to attack more women.

He said of his attack on the student: ‘Police must have faith in me to let me carry on working. She kept flashing and rubbing her t*ts. She wanted to sh** and f*** me. Most men would have got hold of her and done worse things or just chucked her on the ground. How could I be responsible for her actions?… If I sexually assaulted her my DNA would be down below.’

Elsewhere, he wrote: ‘I don’t find drunk women attractive. Only like girls 40+… I find it pervy, young girls and older men… All I want to do is get women home safely… It’s because I’m too nice and caring.’

Police believe Worboys attacked more than 100 women during his 13 years as a London cab driver. He would tell victims that he was celebrating winning a large sum of money and offer them a glass of champagne laced with sedatives.

Worboys, also known as John Radford, is serving a life sentence.

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