Max Turner (Paddy Bever) was settling into his new relationship with Sabrina (Luana Santos) on Coronation Street and trying to put his past behind him when everything was disrupted by the arrival of former girlfriend Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) back into his life.
Lauren was part of the far right gang who groomed Max and led him to get involved in some dangerous, immoral and illegal acts during their reign of terror in Weatherfield. Lauren’s father Reece (Scott Anson) was pat of the gang, and although it turned out that in many ways Lauren was brainwashed as much as Max, she was used to lure the young man into the gang’s evil mind-set.
After the horrific events which led to Alya Nazir (Sair Khan) being stabbed the various members of the gang were arrested. Max served time in a secure training centre and prior to that Lauren had gone to live with her mum away from Weatherfield.
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After her recent return she told Max that her dad had asked her to support him. She also tried to kiss Max and it was clear she still has feelings for him. Max insisted that he saw her just as a friend, as he’s now moved on with Sabrina.
In upcoming episodes Shona (Julia Goulding) gets Lauren a job at the cafe. Her first day doesn’t go entirely smoothly but Shona is supportive and assures Roy (David Neilson) that Lauren will soon get the hang of things.
Max has promised to pop by to lend his support, but Sabrina wants to spend time with him so he texts Lauren to let her know he won’t be coming. What he doesn’t know is that Lauren is watching him sadly from across the road as he heads home with Sabrina and she’s obviously feeling sad that Max is with the other girl.
There’s a huge decision facing Max, meanwhile, as Sabrina is rattled by his continuing friendship with Lauren, who has expressed racist views in the past. Sabrina tells Max she really likes him but can’t have a relationship with him while he has Lauren in his life.
Max is torn between his loyalty to Lauren and his affection for Sabrina. How will he decide?
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