New romance story for Paddy amid bitter war with Chas in Emmerdale

Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt)’s break-up with Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) in Emmerdale has been brutal and painful for both of them, but of course more so for Paddy.

Discovering that Chas had been having an affair with Al Chapman (Michael Wildman) and planned to leave Paddy to be with him – taking their daughter Eve (Bella James) with her – came as a huge shock to Paddy.

Since his initial angry reaction to the news he’s become more withdrawn and cut off. Recently Vinny (Bradley Johnson) accused him of being completely self-absorbed as even a conversation about Liv (Isobel Steele) soon got turned back to Paddy’s heartbreak over Chas.

In light of all this, Paddy’s dad Bear (Joshua Richards) decides to do something to cheer his son up, and tells Paddy he’s organised a double date for them both. Paddy doesn’t welcome this news at all, insisting that he isn’t in the right frame of mind to be thinking about dating. He makes an excuse and eventually Bear gives up.

Soon after this, Paddy is wounded again when he sees Chas flirting with the drayman. Chas reminds him that he chose to remain living at the Woolpack and he has no right to police her behaviour.

One person who will always have Paddy’s best interests at heart is Mandy (Lisa Riley), and she’s concerned to see how upset he’s been lately. He does his best to hide from her, but Mandy won’t take no for an answer and eventually Paddy has to admit to her that he’s feeling lost.

She hugs him and comforts him, and back at the Woolpack they open a bottle of wine. As they talk and reminisce about their shared history, there’s a charged moment between them. And then Tina Turner gets involved, as Lisa Riley told us:

‘Then their song comes on, which is Tina Turner’s What’s Love Got To Do With It, and Mandy’s fighting and fighting.

‘They’re locking eyes and Mandy is going, “No,”’ she revealed. ‘I think in the back of her head she can also hear the rest of the family going, “Mandy, don’t do it.’” But when Tina Turner comes on they think it’s a sign, someone’s telling them.’

Is this the moment Paddy and Mandy reunite?

It could well be, as we know they will end up sleeping together, but whether they restart their relationship is something that remains to be seen…

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